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Gracelyn POV

As the principal walked into the gym the whole place went quiet (only because everyone is afraid of him, I think) but he walked up to the podium and tapped on the microphone before speaking.

He began speaking about the usual things bullying and how it won't be tolerated, respect of teachers and one selves, attending classes, punishments of skipping classes so on and so on.

As this was going on bullying was ensuing right behind me, not that I cared because at the end of the day they were like little puppies who only get aggressive when people don't give them attention.

"Hey nerd, look at me." A voice from behind me said in an amusing tone but quickly changed into an angry one as I ignored her and continued to listen to the assembly.

"I said LOOK AT ME-" She said grabbing the back of my hoodie but was stopped by someone who yanked her arm back causing her to go quiet.

Then a head popped up between me and Ruby to reveal Tera, Kera's best friend.

"I'm sorry about them they've been a little bit aggressive today." She said apologetically as me and Ruby looked at each other before I nodded my head completely unable to speak.

Tera Williams, the other half of Kera Adair, Tera is more the talkative type most of the time she speaks for the both of them being as Kera was never much of a talker but what shocked me is that Tera nor Kera ever intervene at their puppies little antics if anything they tend to joke about it.

Then she turned her attention to Ruby and began to talk to her as if they were friends which confused her completely but she went along with it bitterly as she never really liked the group.

I shook off the feeling of confusion and turned my attention back to the assembly but as I did so I felt her stare on me, Kera stare, even though I had barely felt it I knew it was her.

As I said she's a bit creepy at times for some reason I got the feeling she wanted me to look back at her but I was not risking the chance of getting bullied again so I made the choice of not looking back.

Then as the presentation was coming to an end I started to get my stuff together until I felt a tab on my shoulder to see both Ruby and now Tera staring at me.


"Tera wants to know your name, can I tell her?" Ruby asked as I chuckled before nodding.

"Gracelyn is my name." I replied as Tera nodded before going back to her normal spot next to Kera who had stopped looking at me at this point.

After that both me and Ruby got up as everyone else did but as I was walking down the steps of the bleachers the girls from before purposely shoved me making me stumble a bit.

Before me and Ruby both got out of the gym.

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