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Kera POV


What? Who.... how...

Well I can't just send her a recipe now, I have to make sure she... does it right and stuff, make sure she doesn't hurt herself, or something like that but how can I help like that?

Me- Tera, I need your opinion.

Tera- Ok hit me

Me- So um Grace hasn't cooked French toast before...

Tera- One, not seeing the issue at hand and two, did she have a childhood?

Me- Tera I want to know if I should go over to help her get the full experience and I'm pretty sure people don't have the same experiences in life so don't judge.

Tera- Ok, ok no need to be protective and as for my opinion I think you should go help her out if it means that much to you

Protective? What's that supposed to mean? never mind not important right now.

Me- Alright then it settled, thank you for the help.

Tera- Your welcome, have a safe drive

Me- I will.

I got up and got dressed quickly grabbing my wallet and hoodie as I got a text from Tera.

Tera- Figured you'd need this (I'm not a stalker I got it from Ruby)
Gracelyn's address: **********

Me- Thanks.

I put the address in my maps as I walked out of my house and into my car I started my way towards her house, maybe I should have informed her that I was coming.

Well I can't now because I'm driving.

But now she's gonna think I'm a creep, maybe not if I tell her I got it from Tera who got it from Ruby.

Yeah we'll go with that.

I smiled as I continued my peaceful drive all the way to gracelyn's house.

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