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Gracelyn POV

After we had cleaned up the mess I had made, unpacked everything that she had brought, and then got everything organized like pans and stuff like that we were set for the upcoming of the French toast.

"Ok so step one, you get your pan buttered up or you can put non-stick spray whatever you wanna do it's your choice." She began explaining as I followed the instructions.

"Now in a separate bowl crack six eggs." She said lightly as she watched me do as told with a smile.

"Now pour in the milk into the same bowl now this is optional, but also put some cinnamon sugar in with the mixture lastly, you're going to mix it all with a fork." She said helping me checking that no eggshells got into the bowl.

"Now dip the bread into the mixture and make sure it's nicely coated before putting it in the pan, let it sit for about a minute or so and then flip it and then you should be good." She finished off as I did as she said once I flipped it the bread was a perfect French toast or at least I think it was.

"Is this good?" I asked nervous a bit as I looked down at my French toast and then back at Kera who had a big smile on her face and nodded.

"Looks perfect, now I'm going to start plating them if that's okay?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah go ahead I don't mind." I replied as she gave me a nod and began doing her own thing as I made more French toast.

As this happened I won't deny I felt at peace laughing, joking, smiling we were both like completely different people I was for some reason no longer nervous of her and she felt more comfortable around me with speaking to me, being herself, the moment was perfect.

But by the time I was done I had made about 10 or maybe 12 pieces of French toast because my dumb self kept on putting more eggs and so on into the bowl until Kera stopped me but then it was too late I had already made a bunch.

"Ok I think I remember saying I was hungry but not this hungry." She said chuckling at the pile of French toast on the plate.

"Sorry Kera." I apologize as she chuckled shaking her head.

"No need to apologize Grace, we can just call Ruby and then right?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeah I think that's the best plus they could also help us study for the project too." I said adding on as she nodded in agreement.

"So call them?" I asked as she nodded again.

"While you call them I'll take our plates to the table and set so take your time with the call." She said as I nodded taking my phone out as I began to call our friends.

I guess this is going to be a double study session.

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