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Gracelyn POV

I blocked down on my bed absolutely exhausted from today, Ruby ended up leaving before 8th period so in short terms she left me alone with weirdos.

I was about to take a nap but I felt buzzing coming from my phone seeing it was a text from Ruby.

Ruby- Hey bestie, first I'm sorry for leaving you and secondly, I want to ask you a question

Me- Ok what's your question?

Ruby- Would you do ME the honor of coming to another school's game?

ME- Why?

Ruby- Because it's my cousin's school and he wants everyone to be there to watch his first game and I don't want to be alone.

I chuckled at Ruby's text knowing that she hated being around a large group of her family, especially when it's people she never talks to so her mom most likely told her to invite me.

Me- When is the game?

Ruby- Um I think it's today at like 4: 30-5:30

Me- Ok I guess I could go but you're picking me up.

Ruby- THANK GOD! Ok I'm on my way be there in like 5 seconds.

Me- Ruby you live like 5 minutes away?

Ruby- Who said I was following the speed limit?


Ruby- Ruby yes..

I tried texting her more, but to no avail she was already on her way I swear I don't even know how she even convinced her parents to one, actually let her get her permit and two, ACTUALLY LET HER DRIVE!

I sighed before getting a jacket and she's on before heading outside to sit on my porch to wait for the most illegal car and driver to turn on my street.

Ruby- I'm turning on your street, bestie!

Me- I know I can hear the screeching from a mile away.

Then low and behold her car which is most likely doing an illegal turn, turned on my street and then abruptly stopped in front of my house, rolling down the window to reveal, Ruby.

"GET IN LOSER!" She yelled as a chuckled before getting in the passenger seat.

"I swear you deserve to be in jail or something." I said buckling in and holding onto the door for dear life.

"Oh come on I'm not THAT BAD, but you're right." She agreed before starting our very, VERY dangerous drive to the school.

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