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Gracelyn POV

I chuckled as I walked away from Ruby who had a confused look on her face I mean I guess it's a good thing she didn't hear what I said being as she probably would have been like.

'WE ARE NOT A COUPLE' blah blah blah.

But I mean earlier today I would say they were talking a little bit too friendly if you know what I mean....

I was too busy and thought to realize that I was walking straight into someone but by the time I got out of my face it was too late I had already bumped into them.

"I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to, I was stuck in thought and wasn't watching where I was going." I said quickly apologizing only to look up and see yet again.


I bowed my head a bit as to apologize again before walking around her going into the classroom, finding my seat, before sitting down waiting for class to start.

Once class started the teacher started talking about rules and so on I felt her eyes on me, staring, the thing is that all she does is stare and never talks.

The class went on with most of the students tuning out the teacher being as it was near the end of the day and we have all heard this like a thousand times all day today.

So I pulled out my notebook and began to doodle on the page because respectfully I'm not listening to the same thing over and over again.

I must have lost track of time because by the time I was done drawing the teacher was telling everyone to leave so I quickly packed up wanting to leave.

I left the classroom feeling an instant relief as Kera's stare wasn't on me anymore I quickly left the direction of the classroom but as I was walking away I felt it once again.

Kera's stare watching me leave.

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