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Ruby POV

I waited until finally Gracelyn decided to come back with a pretzel and a bag of chips problem is that it took her DO LONG! Like almost 30 minutes type long.

"What took you so long?" I asked as she sat down before replying.

"I got some food-"

"So it took you almost 30 minutes to get a pretzel and some chips, when I got way more than you and got out of there in like 3 minutes tops." I said as she shook her head.

"If you would have let me FINISH I would have said that a girl bumped into me and it took me a little longer being as she got me a new pretzel." She explained as I looked at her with a smirk.

"A girl huh?" I teased as she rolled her eyes.

"She's a complete stranger Ruby stop making everything so.... you." She said as I gasped.

"Well I'm sorry I was trying to have hope for your love life." I said as she looked at me weird before she began eating her food.

Then her eyes went to the door as she watched a group of girls enter the gym one of them looking through the bleachers before her eyes found Gracelyn making her wave as she waved back.

"So 'a stranger' huh?" I asked again nudging her as she groaned.

"Can I not wave at people without you assuming stuff?" She asked as I chuckled.

"I'm not assuming and correction I actually haven't even said anything so you're getting on the defense about nothing." I said with a grin as she shook her head.

She continued to watch the game as I watched the girl taking little peeks at Gracelyn, thing is that I couldn't see if they were out of pure curiosity or something else if you know what I mean?

The girl stopped after a while making my attention go back to the game as it was now my cousin's game but something of this nature was not going to slide past me though, I was going to keep a close eye on these two.

That's a promise.

Not long after this my cousin's game ended he won, which isn't really a shocker at least not to me being as he was always good at what he does not a doubt about it.

Plus the fact that his game was actually switched again making it one of the last ones so we were going to take him home Gracelyn went to go say goodbye to my family being as I would take her home until the girl came over to us.

"Hey um just wanted to apologize again for the pretzel also I came to give you my number if that's ok with you? The girl asked as my head snapped over to Gracelyn who smiled and nodded making them exchange phone numbers.

"Alright um well drive safe and have a good night." The girl said leaving me with a grin on my face and Gracelyn with a smile.

"So just a stranger huh?" I asked grinning as she groaned.

"Not this again." She said as I laughed following behind her as we left the school.

"Also you're not driving." She said as she got into the car making me roll my eyes as I handed her my keys.

"And here I thought you were gonna text your new girlfriend the entire ride home, guess not." I said teasingly as she gave me a glare making me laugh.

"Ok now home we go." I said playfully making her laugh as we left the school once and for all.

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