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Gracelyn POV

As I got up and tried to go walk over to Rayna who was waiting for me by the kitchen I felt a hand intertwined with mine, it was so soft and so subtle I looked at Kera who had a word look before she spoke.

"Stay here, please!" She blurted out making me confused until she cleared her throat before clarifying herself.

"Or at least let me go with you, I mean I did host this with you it would only make sense right?" She said as I thought about it for a minute.

"Ok if you insist." I said as she quickly got up and followed behind me leaving Ruby and Tera alone for the moment.

We both walked to were Rayna was waiting her eyes widened at the side of the both of us but chuckled to herself as we walked to the front door.

Once we reached the front door I opened it out of courtesy which made Rayna give me a 'thank you' mod before exiting the house then turned to us and began to talk.

"Well thank you for not only the food but the introductions to your friends they seem lovely." She said with a smile which I returned.

"I'm quite surprised they were that quiet so they may like you I'm not sure." I said jokingly which made her laugh a bit before turning her attention to Kera who stood behind me.

"Thank you for being so kind to host this along with Gracelyn, it's a really lovely get together." She said making Kera nod without saying a word.

She looked as if she was about to leave before she turned back around and looked at me before speaking.

"May I borrow Kera for a minute? I think I may need help starting my car, if she doesn't mind?" She said looking between me and Kera I looked at Kera who was already looking at me before giving a nod.

"She's ok with it." I replied knowing that Kera most likely wouldn't answer to Ray herself, but before they began their walk to Rayna's Kera stopped and looked at me.

"You can go inside I'll make sure everything is taken care of ok?" She said as I nodded with a smile.

"Be nice." I said jokingly making her chuckle.

"Always." She replied before she began her walk after Rayna but then I felt a warmth leave my hand, I looked down to see her hand slowly leaving mine.

Were we holding hands the entire time?

I didn't even realize? How did I not realize? I mean my hand felt... felt comfortable maybe that's how I didn't feel it.

Blush came across my face as I quickly went back into the house closing the door behind me as I composed myself before going back to the table without the warmth of a hand.

Let's hope Ruby didn't see that.

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