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Kera POV

After I saw Gracelyn get into the house safely I caught up with Rayna who was leaning on her car waiting for me.

"Ok what's the problem is it the engine or is it something else like your tire?" I asked making her chuckle before she replied.

"I don't actually need help with my car I just wanted to talk to you without Gracelyn around." I looked at her quietly before she lifted her hands in the air in surrender.

"I just wanted to say that me and Gracelyn are only friends and that I have no intention of getting with her or anything like that, I already have my eyes on someone." She explained as I stayed quiet as she continued.

"Plus I wanted to tell you that your girl is a real lifesaver when it comes to dating advice you see I've been having some girl trouble with the one I have my eyes on and let's just say she most likely helped me out quite a bit today." She continued making blush go all across my face out of surprise and embarrassment.

I looked at her with a bit of surprise as the feeling in my chest from before quickly went away before I gave her a small smile as I nodded in reply.

"She loves to help people so that doesn't surprise me." I replied as Rayna nodded a smile on her face as well as we stood in a comfortable silence.

"Hope you weren't jealous in there." She joked as I chuckled letting out a sigh.

"Jealous?" I asked as she nodded.

"The tight feeling in your chest that you most likely felt every time I made contact with her, that's jealousy." She explained as I chuckled embarrassed.

"Then I must admit I was a bit jealous, but I guess I shouldn't be." I replied as she nodded.

"Yep no need to be jealous when it comes to us, plus it was good to meet the girl that she talks about all the time." She said with a chuckle as my eyes widened in surprise.

"She talks about me?" I asked as she looked at me with a nod.

"Yeah, but don't tell her I told you." She said as I nodded.

"Well I'm gonna get out of your hair now, I just wanted to clear some stuff up before I left." She explained as I smiled.

"And I'm glad you did." I replied honestly as she nodded getting in her car starting it perfectly.

"Oh look it starts." She said jokingly as I chuckled.

"Yeah I know how to work my magic." I replied as she closed her door.

"Drive safe Rayna." I told her a she nodded.

"I will and Kera-"


"I'm rooting for you." She said as she drove off making me chuckle as I walked back into gracelyn's home closing the door behind me.

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