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Gracelyn POV

Ruby did one hell of a job annoying me on the way home about the girl from the game honestly I should have teased her about Tera but out of KINDNESS, I didn't because I'm a good person.

But I guess I should text her?

Me- Hey this is the girl from the sports game, you gave me your number

Unknown- Oh hey! Did you get home safe?

Me- Yeah I did I just thought I should text you before I lost your number or something

Unknown- Yeah I understand, I just realized we never told our names to one another

Me- Gracelyn, or Grace I don't mind

Rayna- Rayna, or Ray I don't mind

I chuckled as she had copied me but before I could reply I got a text from none other than Ruby.

Ruby- Sooooo, how's mystery girl?

Me- I'm talking to her right now actually and her name is Rayna

Ruby- Oooooo~ Someone talking to their girlfriend?

I looked at the text with a blank stare.

Screw being nice.

Me- One, not my girlfriend and two, how's conversation going with Tera? Any good news? You guys were REALLY close when you guys were talking

You guys hear that?

Radio silence....

Rayna- Well I'm gonna to get off here I got school so good night, sweet dreams, and have a good sleep?

Rayna- Ok that sucked I just typed what came to mind, but I'm gonna to leave you alone now

Rayna- Bye bye

I looked at both text chats with a smile as I finally turned off my phone for the day knowing that I'm gonna to get an earful tomorrow by the one and only Ruby.

I think she might actually be mad at me but who cares she will forgive me eventually.... right? Yeah she loves me too much.

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