Rayna, hm

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Kera POV

I watched as they both of them went into the kitchen laughing and joking with one another as Tera and Ruby did the same who looked confused.

"You know her Ruby?" Tara asked as Ruby nodded.

"Yeah I met her through Gracelyn at my cousin's game." She replied now looking at Tara who nodded understandingly.

"And how does Gracelyn know her?" I spoke up making Ruby give me a good look before replying.

"She made Gracelyn drop food on accident and bought her some new food and that and then after the game came out to her and stuff like that." She explained as I nodded.

"She said something about 'spilling tea' do you know what that it's about?" Tera asked as Ruby shook her head.

"No, that I don't know the answer too I would assume they met up maybe today or throughout the week, but that's just my assumption." She replied making a weird feeling go through my chest.

They met up? When? We've been together the entire day unless they did it before I showed up.

Then they both walked back into the room Rayna had two pieces of French toast and sat on the other side of Gracelyn and continued to talk about the 'tea.'

"So yeah she's pretty jealous of you right now." She said as she ate making Gracelyn laugh.

"Yeah but having someone follow you that stalker energy right there, and she has nothing to be jealous of I promise you that." Gracelyn replied with a smile as she looked down at the table.

"Oh did I interrupt a study session or something?" She asked as Gracelyn nodded.

"Yeah you kind of did but thanks for filling me in though it's funny to think she's jealous of me." She replied chuckling as Rayna nodded in agreement.

"Well I came over here to fill you in so I'm gonna get going to let you guys do your thing you know." She said standing up patting Gracelyn's shoulder making me look at her in the eyes causing her to stop quickly.

Then she started shaking her hands first was Ruby which was a quick shake due to Tera staring at her then, was Tera which was also short but I could tell by the color of her hand Tera had put a squeeze to it then, was me I did a firm quick shake before she let go.

"It was a pleasure to meet you all and hope you guys have a nice day, I'm going to see myself out." She said looking at all of us before beginning her walk to the door which made Gracelyn get up.

"Oh I'll walk you out Ray." She said, making my head shoot up to look at her before my hand lightly grabbed her hand stopping her actions making her look at me confused.

"Stay here, please!"

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