Hang Up

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Ruby POV

Me- So why did you need gracelyn's address probably should have asked you this before I gave it to you but I trust you I think

Big Baby- Because Kera may or may not be going to her house as we speak

Me- WAIT WHAT? How did this even come to be I have way too many questions call me

Big Baby- Ok 😁

The call came in quickly and I quickly picked it up because HOW DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?

"Ok so what happened from the beginning to now?" I asked as soon as I saw her face (she ended up calling me on FaceTime).

"Ok so I don't know what happened on her end BUT Kera texted me out of nowhere asking for my opinion, then she began to tell me that Gracelyn had never had french toast which is a complete shock to me-"

"Tera you're getting off track." I said softly making her stop and give a smile.

"Oh right sorry bee, but anyways she asked if she should go over to help and of course because of our mission I asked you for the address and sent it to her so that way she would have it because I knew no matter what I said was gonna go over there." She explained making me chuckle.

"Ok now this makes sense and good work on moving them just a tad bit closer." I said with a smile which she returned back.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Oh my god they're gonna go on a little baking date that's so cool and cute at the same time." I said excitedly as Tera chuckled nodding in agreement.

"Maybe we should do that sometime." Tera said with a teasing smile wiggling her eyebrows making me scoff.

"No. Absolutely not." I said shaking my head as she did a pouting face.

"What, why not? I'm a great baker I could even give you a few tips." She said with a huff making me playfully roll my eyes.

"You might be a great baker but you are one, very distracting two, messy three, annoying and four, you." I said as she gained a cheeky smile.

"You think I'm distracting?" She asked teasingly as I realized what I said making me groan.

"I'm hanging up now." I said plainly hanging up the phone call before she could reply.

I chuckled as I felt my phone was over and over in my hand knowing it was from Tera as I watched the text flood in.

What a big baby.

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