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Ruby POV

After that period I went straight to Tera in order to ask her questions about this sudden change in behavior, well not just behavior but just as a person in general within Kera.

"Tera, Tera." I said tapping her from behind making her turn around to look at me with surprise.

"Oh hey bee, what's up?" She asked making me give her an annoyed look about the nickname making her chuckle and response.

"One, STOP calling me 'bee' and two, what's up with Kera?" I said in a low whisper making her look confused.

"What do you mean 'what's up with Kera,' Kera's being completely normal." She said as she looked over at kira who was a bit far away from us before looking back at me.

"Well she gave Grace a heart attack." I said making her look even more confused.

"Grace? As in Gracelyn? And why would she have a heart attack?" Tera asked as I groaned before explaining.

"Grace, is a nickname that I sometimes call her, and she almost had a heart attack because apparently Kera spoke to her like had a conversation with her." I explained making her break out in full blown laughter.

"What's so funny?" I asked confused as she died down before replying.

"Yesterday or maybe it was today I'm not sure I gave Kera some advice that, I honestly didn't think she'd take but I'm starting to think that if it's for Gracelyn she do anything holy crap." She said making me confused a bit.

"What do you mean by advice?"

"Well I told her that maybe she should talk a bit more to anyone really but I mainly hinted at Gracelyn but I never thought she'd actually take it into consideration let alone actually do it." She explained as realization hit me making me start to laugh.

"Wow I guess what you told me was really true I mean I believed it partially but now that happened between the two I guess I have to fully believe it now." I said as she chuckled.

"Well I guess that means your plan is going further than expected does that mean the mission is changing so to say?" Tera asked with a grin as a grinned back.

"I guess so." I replied.

"Operation K-A-G?" Tera asked as I stood there confused.

"Operation what?" I asked.

"Operation Kera and Gracelyn or K-A-G." Tera explained proudly as I shook my head.

"Let's stick to the first one." I said as Tera sighed pouting.

"Aw man." Tera said sadly as she walked away slowly making me chuckle.

Big baby, big big baby.

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