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Gracelyn POV

As we drove through the city streets, the wind going through my hair as the car window was down, the silence between us wasn't uncomfortable which is a good sign.

"So what do you have planned today? Or are you just winging it?" I asked Rayna who was focused on the road sparing me a glance and then went back to the road before she replied.

"Well I was thinking about getting some coffee and some pastries that's about it and maybe go walk to the park or something nothing too complex." She explained as I nodded in agreement.

"Ok sounds like a plan." I said as she nodded in approval before turning into a coffee shops parking lot.

"Ok so I guess we are at our first destination, if the weather stays on our side of things for today." She said cracking a small joke which made me chuckle.

"Looks like someone read up on the forecast for today huh?" I asked as she nodded chuckling.

"Yeah had to make sure it wouldn't start pouring rain on us or something." She said as I nodded in agreement.

"That makes sense." I said as we both got in line and ordered our drinks, and then got some seats for us outside.

"So how's life been ever since our encounter?" She asked as I chuckled.

"I mean it's been fun and a roller coaster, for sure but it's a good roller coaster, though what about you?" I asked making her chuckle.

"I could say the same." She said making us both chuckle.

We both laughed and talked about our days and the said 'roller coasters' we have been experiencing turns out Ray hasn't been of girl trouble.

"Yeah I mean they're practically like her bodyguards or something it's weird and I barely get to see her now because of sports so it's even HARDER." Rayna said with a groam making me chuckle.

"Yeah I'm having somewhat of the same experiences with someone I don't think even saw me as a person." I said making her look up at me as she drank her coffee waiting for me to continue.

"I mean she's not mean or anything just quiet, but when she talks it's almost like a melody so quiet but also so surprising, I get nervous every time I talk or even text her not a bad way though."

"The only bad thing about her is that she has hounds of people around her at all times they're almost like wild dogs, except her best friend who is the only one that actually acts civilized." I explained making her chuckle as she sat down her coffee.

"Seems like you ALSO have girl trouble glad I'm not the only one." She said making me freeze.

"Oh no I don't like her or anything she's just my partner for some project, my best friend hangs out with her best friend so I guess it matches in a way but I DO NOT like her." I said which made her burst out laughing.

"Ah the stage of denial, it's the first stage so I'd say you're going good." She said still chuckling a bit which made me flustered.

"I don't like her, I swear Ray." I said as she nodded unconvinced whatever so at my claim.

"The way you talk about her says a different story, but you're in your delulu stage so I'll just let it go." She replied standing up and walking to her car with a grin.

"What's that supposed to mean Ray?"


"GET BACK HERE!" I yelled playfully as I also started towards the car.

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