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Gracelyn POV

I watched as both Ruby and Tera and their conversation, my teacher let us out of class early so I was waiting for Ruby outside of her class only to walk in on her one-on-one time with Tera.

And she says they're not dating, liar.

I watched and was even about to open the door in order to hurry her up because we had to walk a long way to our next class but when I put my hand on the doorknob I saw her shoot out of her seat in shock.

"You better not be lying, are you lying right now?" She asked an excitement / seriousness as Tera chuckled before starting to gather her stuff before replying.

"I'm not lying I swear, BUT you CANNOT say ANYTHING that I just told you to anyone, because she'd kill me if she knew I told you." Tera said as Ruby laughed before they both realized I was there.

"Hey you two hope I'm not interrupting anything." I said with a grin as Ruby rolled her eyes and Tera looked completely clueless while also looking happy.

"No you're not." Ruby said and Tera just gave me a little happy wave as she started walking towards the door.

"Oh and I'll make sure to inform Kera, bee no need to worry." Tera said before she practically ran out of the room away from me and Ruby.

"You actually told her? Wow didn't think you would, and 'bee' what's that about hm?" I asked teasingly as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes I did tell her and I'm glad, I did and you heard nothing." Ruby said as she walked away with a smile as I followed behind her as we walked to our next class together.

"Are you sure you guys aren't a couple, because I totally understand if you guys don't wanna tell anyone just yet." I said teasingly as Ruby glared at me before walking away faster.

"So is that a yes? Are you guys-"

"NO, NOPE me and her are not a thing and will NEVER be a thing." Ruby said as she walked into our class, me following behind.

Don't worry she's just in her delulu era, she'll come around.

I sat down next to her as per usual then a question came to mind making my attention turn to her and not the lesson in hand.

"So what were you so excited about earlier? I mean it literally had you jump out of your seat so it must have been pretty huge news." I asked as a wide grin came across her face as she looked at me.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." She said as I gave her the most plain look on the planet.

"Yes you do you liar, now tell me." I said as she laughed shaking her head.

"Nope, it doesn't concern you." She said dramatically as she turned her head away with a grin.

"Well the dumb grin on your face says otherwise so tell meh." I said as she shook her head.

"Nope it's for us to know and for you to find out." She said chuckling as I sat there confused.

Now I'm actually clueless, what does she mean by that? I don't even know if she means it in a good way or the bad way but now I'm just scared.

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