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Gracelyn POV

I groaned as I failed to make ONE SINGLE piece of French toast yet again as I threw it in the trash remind me never to look up any and I mean ANY food recipes again.

As I started to take off my apron I heard a knock on the door which was weird because I didn't and haven't ordered anything and the mailman never comes to my front door.

"COMING!" I yelled as I heard the knocking once again making me do a quick little run to the front door and open it to reveal Kera, I stood there a bit shocked.

"Kera? What are you doing here?" I asked taking a look at her and her grocery bags.

"I'm here to help you make breakfast, also I bought some things with me to help." She explained as she lifted up the bags with a small smile.

"Also I hope you don't think I'm weird or anything I got your address from Tera who got it from Ruby so please once again don't think I'm weird, please." She said out of breath a bit making me chuckle.

"One, I didn't even think of that and two, thank you for coming to help because I need it like NEED IT." I said making her chuckle a bit as I moved out of the way slightly.

"Please come in." I said just during to her to come in which she took slowly walking into my house and taking a breath in of the air before gaining a smile.

"It smells good in here but also like burnt bread." She said making me sigh as I closed the door behind me as I let her into the kitchen where it looks like a battle happened.

"Well what do you think of the battlefield?" I asked cracking a joke as her eyes widened at the sight of my kitchen and a funny looking smile to go along with it.

"Wow... I have never and I mean NEVER in my life seeing someone's kitchen this messy over French toast." She said in amusement making me scoff.

"Those recipes were confusing ok, not my fault they make it seem like rocket science." I said as she looked at me shaking her head chuckling.

"Well now you have me someone who is an expert on everything related to cooking, baking, and whatever comes after that." She said proudly making me laugh.

"Oh and since I'm here do you wanna do the project after we finish with the French toast?" She asked as I thought about it.

I mean it wouldn't hurt plus we go back to school tomorrow and I don't feel like doing the project during class surrounded by loud people sooo...

"Sure sounds like a plan." I replied making her smile and nod as I smiled back.

"Now let's start cleaning this 'battlefield' as you called it before we do anything else, I would also like you to explain how on Earth it ever got this dirty." She said as she grabbed an apron and put it on.

"Shall we?" She asked as I nodded.

"We shall." I agreed as we both walked over to the mess that I had created and started to clean it up.

I guess this worked out in my favor after all.

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