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Gracelyn POV

I'm so nervous.

Too nervous.

I looked down at the paper in my hand and back at my phone, no text boxes yet in the chat logs, no nothing just blankness, just silence honestly maybe I should keep it that way.

No, no, no I must text her.

Problem is WHAT do I text her, HOW do I text her? Like so many questions about one person and yet none of them answered.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my mind as I typed out a simple text.

Me- Hey Kera, um this is Gracelyn you gave me your number

I looked at the text hard before I shut my eyes and sent it.

I threw my phone away from me as I didn't want to see those very, VERY threatening text bubbles appear.

Oh my God I sent it.


Then it happened, the buzz.

I quickly crawled over to my phone and slowly picked it up giving me view to the reply.

Kera- Hi, glad to hear from you.

Oh thank god.

Kera- How was your day? Make it home safe?

HUH? uh how do I reply? Something simple or casual?

Me- Oh it was good, boring, but good and I made it home fine, you?

WHY DID I PUT THE 'YOU?' what if she thinks I'm weird now? Maybe I'm overthinking this... yeah, maybe wait why am I even worried about it?

Oh wait maybe because she's like the MOST POPULAR GIRL in the school... geez for someone who is considered smart I'm dumb.

Kera- That's good I also made it home safe thanks for being my partner by the way.

Me- No problem, happy to be of service

'Happy to be of service,' really Gracelyn?

I swear I'm stupid.

Kera- I'm glad, well see you tomorrow good night.

Me- See you tomorrow too good night and sweet dreams

Sweet dreams, SWEET DREAMS are you serious Grace?

Kera- Sweet dreams to you too Grace.

I sighed a breath of relief as I set my phone down besides me.

Thank god that's over.

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