Studying Surprise

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Gracelyn POV

After I did the calls they came not that long after Ruby and Tera (not surprisingly) came in one car I gave Tara and her a kind smile which Ruby thought was a teasing smirk?

Don't know what the hell that means or what the hell it is for that matter but anyway they both came in and got settled.

"Ohh why it smell like heaven in here?" Tera asked as she walked through my house making Ruby hit her in the back as she turned around and quickly rubbed her back as Ruby gave her a look.

"Oh um thank you for inviting me by the way." She thanked me with a smile as she looked at Ruby who gave her an approving nod.

(I swear golden retriever energy is crazy.)

I looked at Ruby with a raised eyebrow which made her roll her eyes and me chuckle as we walked to the table where Kera was with all the food and books for us ready to get started.

"Ok so we are doing a project for whatever his name is and eating french toast at the same time?" Ruby asked as I nodded.

"Would sound perfect if we weren't doing a project." She said making me push her a bit which made her laugh.

"Ok sorry I forgot I'm friends with a nerd." Ruby apologized making me roll my eyes.

"Let's get started, yeah?" Kera said speaking of a bit surprising Ruby and made me and Tera nod as we all sat down around the table.

"Let's get started." I said in reply as I looked at Ruby and Tera who had weird looks on their faces, I looked at Kera who had the same look as me before they both snapped out of their days nodding.

We started our studying, turns out the project wasn't that hard surprisingly I guess our teacher does like us somewhat.

"So you're telling me this man assigned a project over a short story that we read in class." Ruby said with a groan making us all chuckle.

"I mean she does have a point it was like what four paragraphs long maybe?" Kera said lightly in agreement which we all nodded.

We all started small talk and such until I heard a knock at the front door.

"Did you invite anyone else?" Tera asked as I shook my head.

"No, only you guys." I replied as I stood up to go open the door and so did Kera.

"Do you want me to go open it to make sure it's not like a stranger or something?" She asked a bit concerned as I shook my head once again.

"No I can open the door." I replied as she stood still for a moment before reluctantly sitting back down.

I walked over to the door and opened it to see..


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