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Gracelyn POV

I woke up the sun's rays rudely awakening me by half winding me as I sat up it's currently a day off so yay we have no school (thank the ord).

I don't really have plans because it's a teacher's work day or something like that so I didn't really have time to plan anything so I guess I have a chill day you know eat all the food I want, sleep until I don't want to, you know the usual.

I was about to go back to sleep until I heard my phone ringtone, I flipped over to see who was calling to see it was Ray.

"Hello?" I said as I heard her walking or maybe running I couldn't tell but as soon as she heard my voice it seemed she stopped to reply catching her breath as she did so.

"Hey Grace I um, I know the sudden call is a little bit weird but I wanted to know if you maybe want to spend the day with me or something so that way we could get to know each other better you know?" She replied on the other side of the phone.

I mean I was going to lay the day away but going out with a friend doesn't sound bad either, should I go? Should I not? Ehh why not won't hurt me any.

"I guess I could go out for a couple of hours, spend some time in the sun." I replied as I heard her stop for another moment.

"All right, great when do you want me to pick you up?" She asked as I checked the time seeing it was 8:30.

"I should be ready in about 20 to 30 minutes." I replied as she hummed and reply.

"Ok sounds good, I'mma go get ready and then I'll come pick you up how does that sound?" She asked as I chuckled.

"Sounds perfect."

"All right well I'm going to let you go do your thing and you can text me your address and then I'll come by." She said as I hummed in agreement.

"Ok sounds good."

"Ok we'll see you soon." She said.

"See you soon." I replied I see hung up the phone I texted her my address after before going to get ready for today's outing.

I got up and started to decide what to wear it was sunny today so no long sleeve shirts, a short shirt should do and some jeans the perfect outfit at least to me that is.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my phone, wallet, and a hoodie just in case and went to the front porch to wait for Rayna to arrive, which didn't take long as she pulled up after about 10 minutes.

"Ready for today?" She asked as she pulled up, her window down making me chuckle.

"I'm as ready as I can be." I replied as I got into her car.

Let the day begin.

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