Made It Alive

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Gracelyn POV

I got out of the car crawling, thanking god I actually made it here alive.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad." Ruby said as she got out of the car looking down at me as I sat on the parking lot floor.

"NOT THAT BAD! Ruby you almost killed us, by almost getting us into three car crashes, THREE! And yes I counted." I said as Ruby rolled her eyes.

"I did not, and those guys cut me off they deserved to be followed." Ruby defended as I shook my head finally getting off the ground as her family approached.

"Hi Gracelyn, I hope you don't mind being here but Ruby insisted she'd have you here." Ruby's mom said with a sweet smile as I smiled back.

I don't know how such a sweet person can make a little demon, but I love her so I guess it's a win?

"I'm glad to be here and support you guys." I said truthfully making her smile as she lightly grabbed my hand leading me into the building.

"I'm glad to hear it, now let's talk about you." She said as we walked ahead leaving Ruby behind who had a very confused look on her face.

"MOM! I bought her here for me not for you!" Ruby yelled trying to catch up as we both chuckled walking into the building.

Finally Ruby came between us and grabbed my arm before she spoke.

"Our seats are over there, the teams are just warming up right now." Ruby said as I nodded letting her lead us to our seats in the bleachers.

"Why is there other schools here?" I asked confused.

"Well I think it's a tournament so other schools are playing here too, I think that's what he said I don't know." Ruby halfway explained as I nodded.

I sat there as I watched the other schools filled the place, all the different colors, and people entering making it louder than it was that's when Ruby tapped me.

"Ok I think the games about to begin." She said as I nodded looking around one last time before looking towards the court.

Then I saw the first two teams enter making both me and Ruby get into spectator mode as we said they're watching intently.

"My cousin's game is after this but I guess we have to watch this one first." She joked as the game began making the tournament start.

Here we go I guess.

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