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Ruby POV

This is so annoying.

It's the first day of school and I might as well have a mountain of fucking paperwork some of it for the office and the rest for either syllabuses or homework

Like come on you walk into your class and the teachers like 'I hope we can be friends' and then gives you mountains upon mountains of homework and then they say 'it's not that much,' like really?

I groaned leaning my head back onto Gracelyn's desk who chuckled at my actions.

"Do you need something?" Grace asked as she continued to do the work.

"How do you deal with people like that?" I asked thinking about the grumpy group from this morning.

"Like what?" She asked.

"The people from earlier, the little annoying people." I said making her chuckle.

"I don't like to humor them so I try just to move on with my day without problems." She explained which I understood being as that is her whole personality.

Gracelyn, never liked confrontation ever has and never will she always tends to be too nice or forgiving to people not that's a bad thing it's just sometimes she gives it out too many times.

But not to worry that's why she has me, someone who doesn't care what they say and to whom they say it too.


"Ruby? Are you listening to me?" Grace's voice ass bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah of course." I replied.

"Oh really? Then what did I say?" She asked as I just stared at her.

"That's what I thought, now as I was saying please don't do anything that would tick off that group I don't want problems with Kera or her friends." She said as I looked at her confused.

"But Tera likes you...." I said confused as a chuckle came out before she looked at me.

"No Tera likes you, being as you two seem to act like a couple." She replied mumbling the last part.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I asked making her grin.

"Nothing." She said packing up her things keeping the grin on her face as she started to walk away.

"NO! What did you say?" I asked trying to keep up with her.

"Bye Ruby have to get to class don't want to be late you know." She said with a grin as she sped walked away from me, leaving me stunned.

I love you Grace, I do but sometimes, you are a pain.


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