Chapter 22 - Love

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Sara wandered around the market.

*One month ago, I set foot in the Human realm for the first time. Seeing the environment so different from my homeland.*

Sara came across an intriguing wristband.

*While in the horse-drawn carriage, I caught sight of a man through its window. My eyes were strangely drawn to him. I don't know why I found myself fixated on him, even though he appeared to be an ordinary person. There was nothing particularly captivating about him, yet my gaze remained fixed on him.*

Sara examined the wristband with interest.

*On that same day, a terrible event occurred. The Human realm was attacked by a Demon Lord. Everyone was in panic. I escaped the carriage to save myself. Amidst the chaos, I heard a child's scream. I looked towards the sound and saw a child in distress. There was also a man running quickly towards the child. It was the same man I had seen earlier through the carriage's window. Suddenly, a giant spider appeared from above, attacking them. In an instant, the man dodged the spider's attack.*

Sara inquired about the price of the wristband by writing in the air using her magic.

*I leaped from building to building, using my archery skills to attack the giants, helping the people flee. Then, my attention was drawn back to the same man. He was running towards the tallest tower in the city. My gaze and even my body followed him, invisibly trailing behind him. He stopped abruptly, looking back as if sensing my presence. He then entered the towering structure.*

Sara handed the money to the wristband seller.

*I scanned around for any approaching giants. Suddenly, a bright light emitted from the tower. I wondered what he was doing up there. The light disappeared. Guards approached the tower after seeing the brilliant light. I looked up at the tower again and saw the man had jumped from it. Before I realized it, my hand had already drawn the bowstring, aiming an arrow at him. The arrow was released swiftly, heading straight for the man. To my surprise, he managed to dodge my attack, even while airborne. He escaped. My desire to know more about this man only grew stronger. I wanted to understand what intrigued me so much about him.*

Sara put on the newly purchased wristband.

*I thought that would be the last time I'd see him. But he surprised me by appearing again at the Human palace. He was a man from another world. Could that be the reason I was drawn to him? We Elves have the option to choose a human as our training partner. My choice had remained unchanged since I first saw him at the palace. I informed Albert about my decision. Albert spoke with the man to arrange him as my training partner. I hid behind Albert, feeling shy and unfamiliar with speaking to strangers. After conversing, Albert successfully secured him as my training partner. The man's name is Raqnid.*

Sara smiled as she admired the beautiful wristband on her wrist.

*On our first day together, he was assigned to kill goblins. I didn't question his actions, even though I knew goblin hunting was an easy task. During the journey, he remained silent, and at the location, we simply killed the goblins and went home afterward. I began to doubt my interest because Raqnid appeared to be an ordinary person with nothing remarkable about him. The second day, I retracted my previous thoughts. As we were about to leave after killing the goblins, a Hobgoblin attempted to attack Raqnid. To my astonishment, Raqnid easily killed the Hobgoblin with just one strike. I asked him to spar with me to learn from him. He promised to train with me as long as I kept his secrets. The next day, something even more surprising happened. For the first time, I was defeated easily. The skills Raqnid displayed were unlike any archer I had encountered before. I understood why I was so drawn to him. This was the lesson my heart wanted to learn. That someone who seemed ordinary and unnoticed could be incredibly strong. It changed how I perceived people from then on.*

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