Chapter 26 - Tears

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10 years ago...

"Princess! Don't run, you might fall!"

"Come and catch me!"

Shara was only 7 years old at that time, playing alone in the palace garden, accompanied by her nanny, Lyn. She laughed with pure joy.

The next day, Shara ventured into the town. Whatever she desired would be granted, as she was the only child of the Elf kingdom's king. She was not only the youngest princess but also the sole heir to the throne. However, all her desires felt meaningless because there was no one to share them with. Shara's father was busy governing the kingdom and had no spare time for her. Her mother had passed away when she was just a baby. The people around her only saw Shara as the princess of the Elf kingdom. Shara felt alone, and her smiles, every day, felt forced.

One day, as Shara walked in the palace garden without Lyn, she stumbled upon a boy her age who was crying uncontrollably.

"Um, are you okay?" Shara asked.

The boy looked at Shara, tears streaming down his face. "Huh?"

Shara smiled at the boy.

"WAHH!" The boy cried even louder.

"Hey, don't cry!" Shara then took some candy from her pocket and offered it to the boy.

The boy stopped crying after being given the candy. "What's your name?" Shara asked.


"How old are you?"

"Um... seven years old!"

"Really? We're the same age!" Shara exclaimed with joy because, for the first time, she had found someone her own age to play with.

From then on, Shara and Leonel became friends. Leonel came to play with Shara every day. Shara eagerly awaited the afternoons when Leonel would come to play.

Shara showed Leonel all the games she used to play alone, and games she had previously found uninteresting became enjoyable when they played together. Shara's once-empty smiles now radiated with colorful happiness. However, one day, Leonel's mother came looking for him.

"Leonel! What are you doing here?" his mother scolded him harshly.

"I'm playing with my friend!" Leonel replied with a smile.

"Friend? Who is your friend? Do you realize this is not a place for you to play as you please?" his mother scolded him again.

"My friend is named Shara, Mom!"

"What? Princess Shara!" Leonel's mother raised her voice and grabbed his hand, pulling him away.

"Wait, Mom! Shara told me to wait for her here!"

"Enough! I said we're going home! Princess Shara is not your friend!" his mother insisted as she forcefully took him away.

Shara returned to the cottage where she and Leonel used to play. "Huh? Where did Leonel go?" Since that day, Shara never saw Leonel at that spot again.

The next day, Leonel's father went to see the Elf king to apologize for his son's behavior.

Shara was once again alone, waiting for her friend Leonel every day at the same spot. The absence of her friend left her feeling sad, and her once joyful life turned even lonelier.

Three years passed, and Shara was now 10 years old.

After three years, Shara reunited with Leonel at the same cottage where they used to play.

"Huh? Who are you?" Shara asked.

"Princess Shara, it's me, Leonel!"

"Leonel? The one who used to cry a lot! It's been so long! How dare you leave without saying goodbye!"

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