Chapter 39 - Eclipse Moon Strike

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"RAQNID," Wells called Raqnid with a high tone.

"Huh? Yeah! What's up?"

"What are you daydreaming about?"

"I'm not daydreaming!"

"Enough! Let's go down there!"


"Huh?" Wells is puzzled.

Raqnid walks away, leaving Wells.

"Oi! Where are you going? Don't tell me you're trying to destroy the Demon fortress!"

Raqnid continues walking, ignoring Wells' words.

"What's wrong with this kid? Just now, he was rushing me so much." Wells then goes down to Shara.


"Hero Ray! Let's do it once more!" Shara, looking distressed, suggests.

"Princess Shara, no! It may endanger the princess and Hero," Lyn advises.

"Lyn, if we don't destroy that fortress, it's impossible to defeat them."

"Please listen to me, princess!" Lyn pulls Shara's hand.

Shara pulls her hand away from Lyn's grip.

"Shara, stop!" King Nolan speaks.

"Papa! This is the only way for us to win. We have no other choice!" Shara looks towards Ray, who seems hesitant to do it again.

"Papa, let me do it!!"

"SHARA!" King Nolan raises his voice.

"Sorry, Papa. Shara has to disobey your orders this time. Shara won't let others die in vain!"

Standing alone in the middle of the magic circle, Shara takes step by step until the magic circle starts glowing again. Moonlight shines upon her.

"My Lord, we must stop Princess Shara! It can cause death," Lyn says.

"STOP SHARA NOW!" King Nolan shouts his command.

Soldiers try to stop Shara, but they are blocked from entering the magic circle. Anyone trying to enter is kicked out by the magic circle.

"Arghh!" The soldiers are thrown back.

Shara is almost at the last step before releasing her arrow.

"SHARA, THAT'S ENOUGH!" Wells shouts.

"Huh!" Shara is surprised to hear her Grandpa's angry voice. He has never scolded Shara before. He always cared for her with love.

The moonshot fails when Shara moves her body in fear.

"Grandpa!" Shara looks at her Grandpa and tears start to stream down her face.

Wells then walks over to hug his granddaughter.

"Enough, Shara! You've done your best."

"Huff.. Huff... Grandpa, how are we going to defeat the Demon King?" Shara stammers.

"Let Grandpa handle the rest. Grandpa has another way."

*Dragon Heart is our last chance!* Wells says in his mind.

"Forgive Shara, Grandpa!" Shara looks on his Grandpa's face.

"WHAT IS THAT LIGHT!" one of the soldiers shouts.

"Huh?" everyone then looks towards the light.

*That light is coming from the place where Raqnid is located! What is that kid trying to do?* Wells wonders.

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