Chapter 5

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Ray stepped forward, positioning himself alongside Princess Alia and King Alex, as if ready to lead our class.

"Don't worry, everyone. I, Ray, have been chosen as a Hero. I will fulfill my duty to slay the Demon King and protect all of us from harm. I promise," he declared with conviction.

"For those who may not be capable of fighting like I am, fear not. Hasn't King Alex promised to ensure our safety and well-being in this world?" Ray continued, seeking to reassure the class.

"So, for those who cannot participate in the battle, you can live as ordinary citizens in this world. And not only that, we have the opportunity to encounter magical phenomena that are unheard of in our own world," he explained, his voice filled with excitement.

"Isn't that intriguing? Here, we can harness magical powers that are otherwise inaccessible to us in our world," Ray emphasized, his words sparking curiosity among the listeners.

"Therefore, you need not worry about your safety, as I pledge and vow to protect each and every one of you," Ray concluded, his words brimming with determination.

Ray's reassuring words had an immediate impact on the morale of the class. They instilled a newfound sense of hope and determination within each student.

He then raised his hand in the air and exclaimed, "Who among you is willing to join me in the fight against the Demon King, becoming saviors of the Human kingdom? Raise your hands!"

Ray's words resonated deeply, causing a ripple of enthusiasm among the crowd. The majority of those with the capability to confront giants and monsters accepted Ray's offer without hesitation.

Ray proceeded to divide us into separate groups, organizing us based on our individual strengths and abilities. This strategic division aimed to maximize our effectiveness in combat and ensure everyone's safety.

Excitement filled the air as classmates exchanged encouraging glances and shared words of support. The atmosphere shifted from one of doubt and uncertainty to a unified front ready to face the impending challenges.

Ray's charismatic leadership and his unwavering commitment to protect his comrades had sparked a newfound unity and determination within our class. We were no longer a group of individuals; we had transformed into a formidable team, ready to confront the perils that lay ahead.

As the groups were formed and plans began to take shape, a renewed sense of purpose surged through our veins. We were motivated not only by the desire to defeat the Demon King but also by the opportunity to explore the magical wonders of this world and protect the Human kingdom from impending doom.

With Ray at the helm, our spirits lifted, and our hearts brimmed with courage. The stage was set for an epic adventure, where bonds would be forged, powers unleashed, and destinies intertwined. Together, we would rise as Heroes, united in our pursuit of justice and the preservation of humanity.

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