Chapter 44 - Raqnid Vs Demon King

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"Uhh!" Raqnid could sense a strong force near Ray.

Raqnid could feel it because one of his arrows was on Ray. Before meeting Shara, he had seen Ray and the other Heroes first. Then, he silently placed one of his arrows behind Ray without his knowledge.

"Teleport Item!"

'Zooop!' Raqnid disappeared from the battlefield.

“You're finished, Heroooo!” Demon King attacked Ray.

'Zooop!' Raqnid appeared behind Ray, holding the arrow that was placed on him.

[Assassin Mode: On]

Quickly, Raqnid spun his body forward towards Ray and blocked the Demon King's attack with his dagger.



“Huh? Who are you?” Demon King asked, surprised by Raqnid's appearance.

"Huh?" Ray was also surprised.

Raqnid didn't answer Demon King Volkanon's question. His face was covered tightly with his hoodie to avoid being recognized.

*Where are the other Heroes? Why is Ray alone?* Raqnid thought.

"If you won't speak, I'll tear your mouth apart so you'll be mute forever! GARGGGHH!"


Demon King swiftly rushed towards Raqnid to attack. Without afraid, Raqnid also rushed to attack Demon King. They collided.


Ray stood frozen, watching the intense battle between the two. Their movements were so fast that it was hard for Ray to follow with his eyes.

'Claang!' 'Shrinkk!' 'Claang!'

Both of them exchanged blows. The fight between them was fierce.



"Gerghh!" Demon King got hit by Raqnid's attack. Since the Demon King was only using his hands, it was easy for Raqnid to launch an attack with his dagger. Demon King got gradually injured from Raqnid's assault.

'Shoosh!' Demon King stepped back.

"Not bad. You managed to injure me. I admit that you're stronger than that Hero!"


Suddenly, a black circle appeared in front of Demon King. He put his hand into the black circle and pulled something out.

"Behold this precious artifact!"

Demon King pulled out a sword from the black circle. Raqnid seized the opportunity to attack, throwing one of his knives towards Demon King while he was still taking out his sword.


'WHOOSH!' Demon King quickly parried Raqnid's knife with his sword.

'Clannk!' The knife bounced upward.

"Heh, daring of you to attack when I'm unprepared!"


Raqnid rushed forward towards Demon King, who had just parried his knife. Once again, Raqnid took the chance to attack when Demon King was unprepared after deflecting his knife.



"Gerghh!" Raqnid attack once again was parried and countered by Demon King Volkanon.

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