Chapter 1

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Hlelolwenkosi pov

"Hlelo vuka uzoba late "(Hlelo wake up you are going to be late.) My mom said.

Oh my gosh the day has finally arrived and I really can't say I'm excited because it's just the same routine every year. Me going to a new grade and well being lonely for the whole year till the next year. 

"Mom do you really have to be that loud kodwa , I am really not in the mood for school today. I feel like I am getting sick so can I sleep today just to rest my body and mind"

" Ngempela my baby then in that case I'll just go and get castor oil for you" mom said.

Ohh no I sometimes really forget how smart my mom is. She knows how much I hate castor oil but for some reasons she still has it purchased in bulks.

"You don't have to ma ngizobekezela esikoleni then if I am worse tomorrow then I will take your castor oil." ( I will push through at school. )

"Hmm now hurry up you are going to late for school"

"Yebo ma" Gosh I  hate going to school especially in that school full of spoiled brats and to think I've been telling my mom to take me to another school but she claims that I am ungrateful. I am grateful but I just cannot survive with those bullies at school Nkosiyabo and his girlfriend Zandile.

Oh sorry forgot my manners. My name is Hlelolwenkosi Mthethwa. I am a second born to my mom ( Ntombinkulu Mthethwa)but the fourth one on my father's side.My parents are not married and I am very glad they are not but that is a story for another day. I live with my mom only since my other older sister is in UCT and my younger sister is in boarding school. It was her choice by the way. I am only fifteen year old and yes I am dark in complexion and I am thick even though some people prefer saying I am fat.

I took a long shower hoping that time would go faster but then it seems like it was only getting slower and slower till my water got cold. I then realized there is no escaping. I got dressed in that ugly uniform and tied my hair in a neat natural bun well that's one thing about me , I always make sure that I am neat no matter the circumstances.

" Hlelo I am already late for work. There is leftover food in the fridge you can warm it up and eat or get breakfast on your way to school. Oh and last thing I already transferred  R1000 that will be enough for the whole week. Bye nana ngiyakuthanda mntanami always remember ukuthi umama  loves you no matter what."

"Ngiyabonga ma but why are you speaking like someone who is dying is everything ok?"

"(Laughing) ungakhathazeki I will always be there for you no matter what and remember to be strong in everything. Mntanami ngiyaxolisa ( crying)."

"Ma you are scaring me what is going on why are you apologizing, ma yini please talk to me."

"Mntanami we will talk when you get home now go I will stay behind there are some things that I have to fix before I actually leave."

" Bye ma love you too." My mom is acting weird. Something is wrong and I just can't put my finger on it. But I will definitely get to the bottom of it. While I was driving around I saw a little girl being bullied by big boys. I parked my car next to the cafe   and stepped out only to see the boys running away leaving the miserable girl alone.

" Hey how are you "

" Hi sisi ngiyaphila "

" Are you sure, who are those boys?"

" Those boys are my cousin's they have been abusing me ever since I came to live with them ( crying)"

" Hey don't cry you know what ? Let's go and eat breakfast and I will take you to school and fetch you how does that sound?"

" Ngiyabonga sis but why are you doing this ?"

" Because I know what is like to be bullied now come let's go before we are late for school "

" Thanks sisi you are now my best friend "

You could see that the girl had nothing to eat in the morning I just couldn't leave her alone and I will make sure that I help her with everything that I have.

" What's your name and where is your family?"

" My name is Siphosihle  and I lost my parents when I was five. I only have my brother but he lives far. He only comes on weekends with that girlfriend that I hate she is the one who influenced my brother  to leave me with uncle and his wife who are abusing me"

" It's ok my name is Hlelolwenkosi but you can call me Hlelo I will always be here for you okay if you need anything let me know I will bring you some groceries and buy you a phone but don't tell anyone ok it's our secret now let's go to school before we are late where is your school ? "

"My school is next to Lance vale secondary"

" Really ? guess what that's my school so everything will be easier for us. "

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