Chapter 18

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" what?" My aunt and I said.

" Mntanami I tried to communicate with them and ask them to choose someone else but they didn't listen. "  My mom said in-between her tears.

" Ma why bangakhetha mina ? Angiyifuni lento. "

" Mzukulu akushiwo njalo sonke asiyithandanga lento kodwa ngoba besingena kuzikhethela we had to accept it. " Gogo said

" Hayi hayi amanga wodwa lawo , ma umntanami is the chosen one hayi lomthakathi. " My aunt said

" Uqinisile uma gogo. I am supposed to chosen phela I am capable of handling the heat not this ugly bitch. Do not forget that I am also beautiful,ngiyababa kakhulu and my name also speaks for itself ngiyindlovukazi. Mina gogo I think kumele ubatshele benze ephutha. " my cousin Queen said

" Naze nagula Shem. Sphelele ne ngane yakho. You guys thought amadlozi would choose abosatane abanjegani. And wena Queen your mother gave you the name queen because she thought you would follow your name and suddenly become chosen kodwa she was wrong uHlelo is chosen whether we like it or not. " Gogo said

" Sis you need to put your brat in order. Eyami ingane will not be shamed by the two of you. Queen ngicela ungaphinde uthi uthuka ingane yam ngoba uzokhala. " My mom said

" Zama wena nja. Uzongithola kahle bhuti wena uthule uthini ? Angithi besivumelene ukuthi uzoba nam. " My aunt said

" Hayi Sphelele uvume wedwa. I told you ukuthi I would never turn against usis ukuthi you want your child to be chosen and force the ancestors to chose your child was you. Ngiyacela ugaze ungifake nje. " My uncle said

Everyone kept bickering and none of them thought about how I feel. I left them bickering on their own and went outside.

I really can't believe it. Why me ? Because uQueen is willing to suffer and not me.I am so angry at my mom for not telling me in time. She knew that I might get married to someone that I do not know but earlier on I heard my grandmother asking my mom if she saw the birth of my supposingly husband to be and my grandmother saying that I already know my husband. Come to think of it Nkosiyabo is the only male that I brought home wait does it mean I have to marry him but it can't be him and besides I would have known if he was from a royal family and since I haven't heard anyone saying that so he is from a royal family so he is out of the suspects list.

I walked I don't really know for how long and I didn't know where I was going but I just walked till I saw a beautiful river. Seeing the clean and clear river flowing in one direction made my heart feel at ease. The way I felt was so good that I went down to the river. Next to the river, the was a huge rock that was in-between the water and the land. I knew it was very dangerous but my heart wanted and mind wanted me there. I went there and took my shoes off before I could put my feet inside the water. As soon as my feet was in the water I felt like crying. I was alone so I took that as an opportunity to cry my pain out. I cried and cried up until I saw ugogo that looks like my grandmother but the only difference is that my grandmother looks a bit younger than ugogo.

" Ngane yam ukhalelani ?" She asked.

The granny is a stranger but there is this connection that I felt between me and her. It was like I have known her my whole life but I still couldn't bring myself to tell her.

" Sawubona gogo unjani kodwa ?" I asked

" Mntanami ngiyayazi lento udlula kuyo. Ngiyazi ukuthi uzibuza umbuzo wokuthi kungane wena. Mntanami ngikukhethe ngesizathu. Ngibonile ukuthi uqine kanjani futhi nehliziyo yakho ngiyibonile. Ngikhumbula nami ngekhathi ngilingana nawe. I wanted to live my life freely with no stress but nami ukhokho wami had her own plans. Kwakukhona inzizwa eyakwa Buthelezi engangiyithanda. I saw a future with him, ubaba wezingane zami ngisho umy yonkinto up until bengitshela ukuthi kumele ngilaphe abantu and I must do that with pureness. I was very angry at them and by that time my parents especially ubaba wam didn't believe kubantu abadala so I used that as an opportunity to run away. The only thing that was on my mind was that I can't die without a family of my own and so ngathatha isiqumo soku soma angithi bekwamele ngibe yitshitshi. Hayi ngasoma ngaze ngamitha  I was very happy to hear that I was pregnant and of course my parents were disappointed but at least I was going to be a mother. I was only given one baby which is ugogo wakho and that's was it. I didn't last in relationships till I died. I died being lonely and I don't want that for you mntanami. I want you to have everything that I couldn't have. Yekela ukukhala and uqine ekhaya lika Mthethwa liyo phakamiswa nguwe. Ngiyihlezi nginawe mihla namalanga. "

" Kodwa gogo ningiqale kudala ukungihlukumeza. Ubukuphi ngekhathi ubaba efuna ukuthwala ngam , ubukuphi ngekhathi bengithumela ngezilwane ( crying) nakhona ubunami gogo ? "

" Ngane yam ngikulwele ku ubabwakho akakhonanga ukuthwala ngawe ngenxa yami. Angizilawuli nami kunabadala kunami. Ngiyacela Hlelo phila ngokuthandaza futhi uyeke ukuzenza umuntu omubi , une nkani ngoba that's not you. Hamba endlini manje ilanga liyashona futhi bakhathazekile ngawe ekhaya. "

" ( Crying) kodwa gogo ( crying even louder. "

" Shh kuzolunga injabulo uzoyithola maduzane mntami sula inyembezi zakho. Kwamele ngihambe nam. "

And just like that she disappeared. What happened is a miracle. I am somehow open to the whole chosen thing and stuff but I have to be careful around everyone.

I rushed home considering the fact that it was dark and I have never been a person who goes outside of the house. I saw my mom  sitting on a rock that is not far from home and crying. I immediately ran to her and engulfed her in a hug. We both were a crying mess when we got home but I don't really regret leaving. I told my mom everything that happened and she said I must not tell anyone besides her and her mother because everyone is guning for me. It's like ugogo knew what happened because when I went inside the house she said my clan names and smiled at me while everyone else was surprised. My aunt was even annoyed with the fact that I didn't get a hiding or something, everyone was okay except for ulindo my cousin as well as my uncle.

My mind and spirit has come to terms with what is happening and already I can see that my journey will be very hard to finish.

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