Chapter 14

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I saw Zandile and her friends approaching and I knew that t trouble was coming.

" Yha wena " she said

Zandile is one of the most popular girls at school because her mother is the chairperson of the SGB committee and she is also a TikTok influencer. She has a petite body and is a yellow bone. Most people find her really beautiful.

" Zandile" you could tell from the way I responded that I am already bored.

" Ufunani kumuntu wam ?"

" Angazi ukhuluma ngani " I know for a fact that she is speaking about Nkosiyabo and our pictures together.

" Hayi wena sfebe don't act like you don't know what I am talking about, what were you doing with Nkosiyabo , ( Chuckling) did you even see yourself, Nkosi will never look your way and you know why, he will never look at you because he doesn't want big , fat ,dark and ugly girls like you. YOU ARE NOT HIS TYPE "

" Why don't you ask him instead of me ? Ngicela singaphaphelani mina nawe I've been quiet for too long and I've had it and why does it bother you if Nkosiyabo is chilling with me phela angithi I am not his type so why are you are you bothered ( Laughing) oh konje you are insecure ngoba uyabona ukuthi I have something that you don't have which is dignity, respect, intelligence ,beauty not forgetting the body. Let it be the last time you ever insult me and just so you know I do not fight for boys , they fight for me. Nx"

" Ngizokushaya wena Hlelo "

" Okay can I go to class phela some of us have to get our distinctions unlike other people who beauty with no brains. "

" ( Gasping)"

Did I really stand up for myself. I can't believe it but I won't lie her words got to me. Why is it a problem if a girl is chubby , why must we always be discriminated like it's not our fault. We didn't ask to be fat as they say it. Nx I am really angry and hurt if it was up to me I would go back home.

" Hlelo !"

" Mam"

" Are you okay? I saw everything that happened. That's not who you are okay never allow yourself to be broken by people who are jealous of you but I am proud of you. Stand up for yourself but in a proper way. The principal might call you but don't worry go to class and get those distinctions. "

" Mam you were not supposed to hear that uyabona manje, you are making me feel bad. "

" ( Laughing) hamba uye eklassin wena uyekele ukufela ' bad' "

Okay I am now embarrassed. I didn't want any teacher to know about my encounter with Zandile. I mean if one teacher already knows about my encounter that means I am going to be the topic in the staff room. Yoh Nkosiyami angikho ready.

During break

Everyone was welcoming in class . They kept asking me if I am okay. I guess I traumatized my class mates. From what I heard , apparently on my last day of school, I fainted and my eyes started rolling, my body started shivering and suddenly there was smoke around me. I was out for 3 hours and I only woke up at home so they didn't know if I was dead or what but they were left traumatized. Some are scared of me and I don't blame them. All that I want now is food. I am so hungry

" Hlelo "

Can people stop calling my name already.

" Yebo "

" Are you okay ?"

" Why is everyone asking me that question kodwa ke. I am okay , I am okay with the fact that I am being attacked by your girlfriends, that I was reminded by your girlfriends that I am just a big , fat ugly girl. Damn I was embarrassed because of your stupidity."

" Ngiyaxolisa Hlelo. I didn't mean to cause troubles for you and no Zandile and her friends are not my girlfriends angali ngimuhle kodwa no her and her friends are too much for me to handle. Hlelo you are beautiful , uyishambula , you are intelligent and you are respectful so what , if I posted our pictures phela it's not like you and Siphosihle are not my favorite place to be at. Hlelo you make my sister happy, she came out of the dark place that she was in and for that I will always be grateful. Can I buy you lunch just as a peace offering and as a way to thank you for taking care of my sister. "

" Buy imacfeast large with watermelon crush and large chillie cheese fries. "

"Ashambe ke. Manje asikhulume are you really going to eat all of that food "

" Ohh okay so wena you are judging me firstly it was your friends manje it's you ( faking a cry ) kuright ( crying a bit louder). "

" Yoh askies Hlelo, I am really sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I meant are you going to eat it all at once and even if you eat it all at once, it is not a crime. Ngiyaxolisa MamMthethwa. "

I was not really crying, I just wanted to scare him kodwa when he called me MamMthethwa yoh only Jesus knows what happened inside me but wait what am I saying I can't be falling for him can I ?

" Hlelo!"

" Yini why are you shouting?"

" I've been calling you and your mind is not here what's wrong but wait sizokhuluma emotweni we have less than 30 minutes before lunch ends. "

" Okay "

We went to the parking lot and I must say, the looks that I was getting made me scared. I could have said no but I didn't and I really don't know why but I don't care I would never say no to free food.

Nkosiyabo has a nice car but you can tell from his car that he is nothing but a fuck boy. He drives a Golf 7 that is dropped and damn that car is a beast. On the way we were listening to umaskandi at least that's something we have in common. We were dancing and he was taking a video of me singing while driving but he was not doing a self destructive driving. He only took 15 minutes to get to Mac Donald and he bought the exact food that I wanted through the drive thru. I think he didn't want to offend me by buying less food.

I enjoyed my lunch with him but I am late for class because of him. Luckily I have Afrikaans for a double and Mrs Jones is not at school so it's a free period. I can't stop thinking about our moment in the car where we were singing along to umaskandi and care free but I kinda feel bad for not taking uBusi with me speaking of uBusi I haven't seen her at school and It's been a while since I spoke to her like speak to her about her current situation maybe calling her is a good idea but I will call her when I get home.

When the double periods ended I had to go to Life science for another double before I could go home. Life science is one of my favorite subjects so I am happy because I am going to see my teacher. I am always late for my classes and that's because I am always slow so I was late for Life science.

" Welcome back Hlelo hope you are back for good. " Ms Nyawo said

" Thanks mam. Hopefully I am back for good. " I won't lie I am not really okay ,I am still taking it slow and hopefully I will get to be the person that I was before.

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