Chapter 12

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Next day

Do you know the pain of having questions that could only be answered by people who are dead. My parents really did drop a bomb on me actually it was a nuclear bomb. I don't even know where to start.  As if being a CEO at a young age for the past three months well not exactly a CEO but yeah you know what I mean, was not enough , I had to discover that I am the Prince of the Zulu kingdom well technically I am supposed to be a king since the king died who is my father. Not only am I supposed to be a King but I also have a chosen wife. What if the so called wife is ugly with no teeth phela a guy has a remarkable wife or what if she's beauty with no brain? Yoh if that's the case I am seriously running away.

The perfect wife material would be Hlelolwenkosi, damn  that girl is the definition of God's creation , it's like God took is time when creating her. She is smart , neat, quiet and beautiful uyabona if only they could choose Hlelo as my wife yoh if that happens I swear to the ancestors, I will do anything that they tell me to do ( laughing).

Thinking about Hlelo, it's been a while since I saw her at school actually the last time that I saw her was when I met her at Kota King. Apparently she's been on and off at school but some people are saying she is pregnant and that's why she didn't write the last two papers.

" Bhuti"  Siphosihle

You know I got so lost in my mind that I forgot about my lil sis. Naye omunye loyo she doesn't want me to meet her so called ' mother ' or even speak to her but she is always on the phone with her but lately she's been down like something is bothering her.

" Baby"

" Heena don't call me that if you call me that then what are you going to call your girlfriends?"

" Hayi hayi usuyaphapha ufunani ?"

" Can you please take me to my mom? "

" Your mom uthini manje ?"

" My mom bhuti. She's been sick and I promised to see her, her  friend which is my sister will also be there. I need to see her please bhuti "

" Sihle, our parents have died don't call a stranger mom how do you think mommy would feel if she hears you calling other woman mom ?"

" Kodwa bhuti she is always there for me, she saved me from your cousins and I love her.  You have to understand ukuthi no one will ever fill our parents space but know that I have someone to talk to about girls stuff. Now will you be able to drop me off?"

" How old is she?"

" Bhuti she is fifteen years old can we leave?"

" Ashambe "

" Are you done interrogating me ?"

" Do you want to leave or not because I do not mind staying at home and play my game. "

" Ashambe basilindile "

Hlelolwenkosi pov

Why me? , why must I suffer like this ?

Those are the questions that I have been asking myself for the past three to four months. The pain that I am going through cannot be described in words. I've been going on and out of hospitals with no help. To think that I missed two of my tests makes me angry at everything. For Gods sake it was only term 1. We are starting with term 2 next week and I am still not okay.

There is nothing that pains me the most than the pain of not knowing what is wrong with me. I've been blind, paralyzed heck I was even deformed. I have tried everything, my mom is doing all she can to get me the help that I need and I can see that it's taking a toll on her. She is trying to be strong for me but I can see the pain in her eyes. I remember feeling her tears when she was bathing me. Till today I still cry when I think about that day or any of the hardships that I faced.

Most people have been there for me especially Ms Nyawo and Siphosihle. Busi has distanced herself from me , it's been a while since I spoke to her but my baby says they are still speaking which means I am the problem but hopefully she will tell me today what is the problem since she is coming as well as Sihle.

" Hlelo your guests are here "

" Ngiyeza ma "

I  am not in the mood for anything. So I decided to wear my grey Nike tracksuit with my black slippers. I wanted to wear my pajamas but I don't want to look like my problems. My grandmother's words.

I am excited to see my baby even though I am very young to be called a mom. I took a deep breath before opening the door of my bedroom and going to the living room. The first person to embrace me in a hug was my baby of course but there was someone that I didn't expect to see.

" Hlelolwenkosi?"

" Nkosiyabo?"

" Great you guys know each other, sis Hlelo this is my brother Nkosi and bhuti that is my sister Hlelo " Sihle said

To say I'm shocked would be an understatement how did I not see the resemblance between the two of them like how did I miss it. So Nkosi is the brother that left her younger sister for a girlfriend yazi even thinking about it makes me angry but that is for another day.

" Hi Hlelo um I didn't know you are the ' mom ' that my sister kept talking about. I was forced to buy everything that screams junk according to princess lana she didn't want you to run out of anything. " Nkosi said

" (Chuckling) ncoo that's cute and I also didn't know you were the negligent brother "

" ......"

" Sis Hlelo ubhuti is now taking good care of me. " Sihle said

" That's good "

My  mom cooked lunch for us and it seemed like Siphosihle was the only one that was here to see me. uBusi was quiet and you could see that something was bothering her. Speaking of uBusi her mother got discharged a month after she was admitted and everything is going ok well as far as I know. Nkosiyabo was sitting opposite me and we kept stealing glances at each other well he was stealing glances at me till they left. He then forced me to give him my numbers by using uSihle and I am still going to get him for that.

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