Chapter 30

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Two years later

I have never been so nervous in my life. I am only left with two hours before I get my matric certificate from thee Angie Motsekga , the minister of education. Yes you heard me , I received a message two days ago from my school stating that I should come to school in my full school uniform mind you at that time I had no idea where my uniform was so yeah two days after I am here at ORT premier hotel waiting to receive my awards.

A lot has happened in the past three years. I deleted my all social accounts and blocked almost everyone. I also moved to a boarding school in Johannesburg just to be far away from everyone and of course my mom was not exactly happy with my decision but she understood why I had to leave. Nkosiyabo broke my heart, he left me broken inside yoh that guy , he took the last piece of confidence that I had. Not only did he send a letter on my special day but he posted my private pictures , pictures that were very dear to me on every social media platforms and humiliated me.

I was called names , got threatening messages, men old enough to be my father were promising me money only if I showed them what was  underneath my clothes. I was really heartbroken, Nkosiyabo Zulu broke me into pieces, he took my self confidence and my self esteem. I am too conscious of what I wear. I don't think I will ever forgive him.


My mom is here with me as my supporter and I couldn't have been more excited than that. My eyes are tired of the flashes of light and I am also tired of sitting down because it is not helping instead it is making me more anxious.

According to the invite the event was supposed to start at 13:00 but it has been over an hour and we are still waiting for the minister of education. Seeing that the event is not going to start anytime soon so I decided to call my friends. Yes you heard me right I now have friends Amahle, Anele and Karabo and truly speaking, they are the best people ever.

" Ntwana!!!!" They all screamed

" Haibo guys so vele you guys don't want me to hear my name when they call me since you are hurting my eardrums. " I said

" Uthini lo " Karabo said

" Hai oe phela she is rubbing shoulders with the big boys,so she has to speak English using the British accent ( faking the accent). " Anele said

" ( Laughing) Anele kodwa ngikuthathephi like what are saying my sister and what's with the 'british accent '. By the way what do you mean when you say I am rubbing shoulders with the big boys ? In other words I am only around males and not females ouch ngaze ngaba hurt. " I said

" No mahn I didn't mean like that I was just saying in other words that you are rubbing shoulders with celebrities speaking of celebs have you seen any hot guys lapho?" Anele said

Anele is the most craziest person and the most straight forward person in our group. She is loud compared to her twin Amahle. Amahle is quite reserved but crazy in a innocent way she is more like me and she is the mediator in our friendship. Ukarabo yena aka KB is the same like Anele but she is the violent one she is quick to beat the hell out of a person and that's what I like about her.

" Anele !!!" Amahle said

" Yini phela I'm done with high school manje. I made promise to never date until I'm officially done with high school. " Anele replied.

" Guys I thought we were called to cheer upon Hlelo but now you guys especially wena Anele ubusy ukhuluma ngabafana. " Karabo said

" Okay guys I have to love and leave you. Mrs Angie has arrived , time for me to go and do the honours. " I said

" Ungakhathazeki we are watching you just waiting for your entrance. " Amahle said

" Ncooo thanks " I said

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