Chapter 2

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Hlelolwenkosi pov

Siphosihle is a beautiful girl and sweet girl. She doesn't deserve everything that is happening in her life and as for his brother , he better make sure that I do not meet him because if we meet then he will definitely know who I am.

Seeing Sihle's situation brings back painful memories. The memories that I have been running away from since I left KZN.


'Baba ngiyacela , ngicela ungiyeke angezanga lutho for how long should I suffer , for how long will abuse me ?Am I even your child' ( please, please I didn't do anything)

' Hehehe forget my child you are the key to my success. Yabona you are special and with your blood I will be the wealthiest man alive. '

(Flashbacks ends)

My father abused me physically, sexually, emotionally, and spiritually. The man put me through a lot if it wasn't for my mom I would have long died.

Nkosi's pov

"Babe I have been thinking about our welcome prank for uHlelo "

If it isn't that annoying voice gosh I really don't understand why I am still with her. Zandile is one of the popular girls in school and I guess I dated her just to prove a point to the gent's.

I am not in love with her there's is only one person that has my heart and I am honestly ashamed of myself because of the things that I do to the people I claim to love.

"Sthandwa can we please leave her alone, I mean it's a new year and I think we should actually start afresh and turn over a new leaf how does that sound?"

But baby you know how happy I feel when I see her on knees crying just this once then I will be a good girl "

"Cha Zandile we are not doing any of that. Don't you really feel ashamed of yourself ? I honestly don't know what I am still doing with ulucifer herself. "

" Wee Nkosiyabo you do know that most guys would do anything to keep me happy so mfanakithi it's either we prank uHleo or we are done. "

"No prob sthandwa we are done, I am not going to date usatan to think I neglected my sister just to make you happy. I am truly ashamed of myself. "

"Sharp ke Nkosi ukusalayo you know very well that can't survive without me I mean I am the real deal here. Bye loser "

Finally I am free from all the chains my goal now is to fix my relationship with my little sister and to work hard this year since it's my last year in high school.

Hlelolwenkosi's pov

I am nothing but late for school but somehow I do not care. My heart is actually not here right now. I need to make sure that I keep my promise I will never let Siphosihle down.

" Good morning everyone. it's to see everyone still in one piece"the principal said.

The one and only Mr Rogers. He is the most annoying person in the school. But no the most annoying person or should I rather say people is the power couple of Lancea Vale ( Nkosiyabo and Zandile)

Those two are annoying. Well finally my name has been called. I am in 10b doing the first stream which is the science stream. Yes I am a A student not that I am bragging but I am a hard worker and I deserve to be here.

I was paired with this beautiful girl she seemed like a good person so far.

" Hi my name is Busisiwe and I am new around here if you don't mind may I please be your friend please like you the only girl who seems decent and down to earth unlike the others."

" Hi um wow I would like to be your friend since I don't have any and by the way my name is Hlelolwenkosi but you can call me Hlelo since you are my friend. But I must admit you are so brave like I wouldn't have done that as I said I don't have any friends mind you I've been here for almost three years. This year is my third year and I just couldn't make friends I don't even know where to start. "

" Hey girl you don't even know how much practicing I did before coming to you. I'm just like you , the only reason why I actually approached you is because I saw my twin like I saw myself in you. "

"Really like I'm so honored to be your twin wele."

"Danko wele lunch is on me and no angithi ?"

I already like this girl like her personality is to die for she is confident, has a high self esteem but mostly I am happy to have someone to talk to , it is a bit too early for trusting her but I'm confident that she is the one. I'm not going to lie I feel a bit intimidated by her , I mean she everything that a girl could want. Firstly she is light in complexion, has a petite waist with her curves hugging in the rights places. Not to mention her eyes, her eyes are black but the have a slightly brown colour I honestly don't know how to describe her eyes and her hair she has long thick brown hair, that girl is to die for.

"Earth on Hlelo ! Jeez what are you thinking about that is making you deaf is it someone or something yummy ?"

"Hai wena I'm just thinking about how lucky I am. I feel like this year will bring nothing but peace and happiness. "

I honestly hope everything works this year especially after all that I have been through.

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