Chapter 36

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Ntombinkulu POV

" I'm sorry mam but there hasn't been any changes. Please ask the young men to continue donating blood because we suspect she has anemia. " The doctor said

It's been almost two weeks since we found my daughter but there hasn't been any progress and my mom keeps on telling me that they are coming I must be patient. I can't remember when last did I sleep in my own bed. I am scared of leaving my baby alone, I was already careless when I left her that day so I can't afford to lose her again. What if he comes back to finish what he started ....

" Sawbona ma " Siphosihle said

As young as the girl is , you can tell that she has been through a lot and is going through a lot. You know she has been there for Hlelo everyday, she made sure that no matter what , she visits my daughter and I am truly grateful.

" Yebo kunjani " I replied

" Ngiyaphila ma. Ma I came here to ask you to take Hlelo back home. She needs to be home where she will get help. " She said

As much as I want to believe her but I am a bit sceptical about the whole thing I mean where were the ancestors when I needed them the most. My child was kidnapped and they didn't even show us where  she was. What hurts me the most is the fact that when we found her , she was unconscious. I almost lost my daughter.

" Angazi Sihle. " I said looking down.

" Ma as much as I know that you are angry but everything happens for a reason. You guys know who is supposed to marry Hlelo but you kept quiet yes I am also at fault but the point is we were supposed to inform them but we didn't hence we are here. Ngiyakucela ma we have to take Hlelo back home for her healing. I have been having visions of someone telling me to bring Hlelo to the caves so that she can help her. Ma that person is the only one who can help her.   " Sihle said

" How are we supposed to know  that she will be safe. Siphosihle I can't lose her. She is my sanity and my heart.  " I said

I can't lose my child, she is all that I have especially after my children disowned me.

" Ma ngiyakucela ma if you keep dragging this , we might lose them. Nkosiyabo is being taken care of by ubabumdala but as for Hlelo I don't know. " She said

" How long will she be gone for?" I said

" I don't know ma , I wish I knew for how long but angazi we have to help them. " She said

" Okay, I will communicate with the doctors , we will leave tonight. " I said


It was really hard to convince the doctors to discharge my daughter. They told me of the complications that my daughter might undergo but I had to take a leap of faith in Sihle and God.  My boyfriend has been there for me even though it's still a bit weird to call him my boyfriend cause like we are a bit older for that. He wanted to be the one to take Hlelo and I home but he couldn't due to work.

I went home with Nkosiyabo and Sihle and the drive is very long since Nkosiyabo has to drive slow for the sake of Hlelo.

" Sihle" I whispered

Nkosiyabo was playing gospel on the radio and it was a bit loud which was an opportunity for me and Sihle to speak.

" Ma ? Why are you whispering?" She asked

I had  forgotten that Sihle is a child. I think it's because of the things that she has to undergo as a child.

" Does he know?" I asked

" Nope he doesn't know but I think we have to tell them before it's too late. Hlelo will regain her powers when she is closer to Nkosiyabo. " She said

" I don't think so because your brother sent my daughter a heartbreaking letter on her special day and humiliated her afterwards. " I said

" Ma Hlelo sent a letter to us that broke my heart but I didn't believe it. Unfortunately my brother believed it and was very hurt. " She said

" Hlelo didn't send any letters instead she left. "

" My brother did send a letter but the letter was about us apologizing for not being able to attend her ceremony as we had to marry our parents on the day. I was there when he wrote the letter, ubaba can vouch for me. " She said

" Well mntanam Hlelo didn't receive any letter that said that instead she received a letter telling her that she must stay away from you guys, that she is not in your league and that your brother was using her all along he didn't like her at all nje there's a lot that was said in the letter. " I said 

" Ma , Sihle why are you guys whispering? " Nkosiyabo said

" Hai mahn Nkosiyabo it's nothing. " I said

" Yeah it's non of your business. " Sihle said.

" Yoh hai ke I just wanted to inform to that we are almost there and that you guys please hold Hlelo so that she doesn't experience severe pains. " He said

" Ok " Sihle said

Finally we have arrived and my daughter looks like she is fast asleep it's like she will wake any moment from now and tell me that she loves me and gogo. God if you can hear me please heal my daughter.

Nkosiyabo opened the door for us and I tried not to inflict pain on my baby. We finally got out of the car and Nkosiyabo carried Hlelo into the house.

" Sihle can I have your cellphone numbers so that we can communicate ?" I asked

What Sihle said made me realize that someone else knows about the arranged marriage hence they are trying to separate them.

" No prob ma vele I need your numbers but I am going to come everyday just to check on her progress. I can't afford to lose her, I have already lost my parents losing her would kill me. " She said while looking down

I can see that she is trying by all means to be strong but she is only a child , she is supposed to be playing with other kids not stressing.

" Nana it's okay" I said while hugging her

"( Let out a loud sob) Ma ngikhathele I just need a break. I miss my parents maybe if they were here things wouldn't be as messed up as they are now. Ma eqinisweni I don't even know my age anymore, the things that I see with my naked eyes scare me a lot. The things that I have to go through pains me a lot and the only person left to make me feel better is also not okay   I am tired I just need a break. " She said

Her words stung deep inside me. She is telling the truth she is still young, she is a child that's why I fail to understand how the ancestors work yes I acknowledge them but they sometimes over do things.

" Sshh nana no matter what I will also be there for you. I know you are tired and I promise you are going to catch a break as soon as Hlelo has recovered. If you need anything let me know okay? " I said

She nodded

" They are on their way please don't judge a book by its cover. Listen to everything they will say before you make any decisions and remember your decision will determine your daughters life or death. " She said while walking away.

I just have to prepare myself.......

Author's note
Hi guys it's been a while and I am sorry it's just that I am going through stuff that needs my undivided attention but I am pushing hard to update hopefully you guys understand.

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