Chapter 7

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Hlelolwenkosi pov

I can't believe what just happened. I saw uBusi struggling and suddenly something told me to go and touch her right hand. I felt very connect to her , like our connection is more than just friends there is something between us that I am yet to discover.

All I remember was going back to the car. Then suddenly I felt a bit dizzy. When everything became clearer I saw Busisiwe kneeling in front of the woman ( ithwasa ) and crying next to them it was a old man but with one long nail which I didn't understand why grow one nail instead of all. Anyways I went closer to uBusi and knelt in front of her.

' Busi what happened ?'

' Hlelo help me we need to take uma to the nearest hospital, will explain everything later. '

' Okay let me bring the car closer so that it can be easier for us to carry her. '

Busi told me that the woman that she lives with was her mom now suddenly she tells me that ithwasa is her mom. I'm so confused and a bit hurt but I do understand that we were still in the early stages of our friendship but after what occurred namhlanje ( today) we definitely need to talk.

I ran towards the car with my confusion and reversed to fetch uBusi and her 'mother'. Her mother was not in a good state hence I rushed her to Charlotte Maxeke since it was the closest. The ride to the hospital was awkward but luckily I made it time.

The nurses came with a wheelchair and took her in. Busi didn't know where to start when they asked what happened.

"Um my mother and I went to this place, next to Diepkloof to consult. When we arrived there we  found the lady that we brought here and she told us to leave , we did as she said but my heart was not allowing me to leave her alone hence I called uBusi. When we went back , we found the lady being beaten while being raped at the same time. " I explained

"Did you call the police? "  the nurse asked

"No we didn't, we were focused on making sure that we bring Busi's mother as quick as possible. "

"Okay is there anyone who we can call to fetch you guys?"

" You can call my mom "

Today had to be the longest day ever. Ngapha it's been two weeks since I went to school nje kuningi. The way uBusi is quiet, you can the sadness in her eyes but I need to know who she is.

" Busi "

" Hmm"

Yazi it's my first time seeing my friend this saddened. Kushukuthi that lady is truly her  mother. I can't really ask her now ngoba it will seem like I am insensitive.

" U ryt , it's my first time seeing you like this do you wanna talk about it?"

" That woman right there is my mom. My brother and I have been looking for her for the past 3 years. When she left, she told us that uyothwasa and that she will be back. But weeks became months and months became years. "

" Ngiyaxolisa ngokuzwa lokho I honestly didn't know but manje how did you guys end up living in Gauteng. "

"  ( Chuckling) ok um so mina no bhuti wam are gifted children , uma uhambe wayothwasa thinking ukuthi we won't have to under go the whole process of initiation but what she didn't know was that we can't run away from the gift so  when I was thirteen, my brother and I went through initiations but we didn't go to someone everything happened on its own and from then I started having visions of my mother crying. At first I thought I was the only one who was dreaming of our mom , only to find out that my brother was also having the same dreams like me. ( Crying) We thought my mom left us in poverty and that it was just our imaginations but the dreams kept worsening and that's when we started the search of our mom. "

" Ungasakhali  mzala I can't imagine how you are feeling, hayi mzala uzibonile inhliziyo yami isiyasindwa can we get food and we will continue this conversation when you are fully okay we are not in a rush "

" Yeah but I'm not sure if I can stomach anything right now. I need to call my brother and inform him hamba ngizokuthola emotweni "

" Ok ithi nami ngitshela uma ukuthi angasezi. "

Kuningi yazi what Busi told me scared me but it also gave me hope that one day nami izinto zami will go well you know ancestral wise. To think that I have broken my promise to Sihle makes me feel like sh*t but I have to fix it.

( Ringing) I just hope she answers my call.

" Sis Hlelo "

" Hello nana unjin?"

" You promised ( sniffing) me uthe you won't leave me alone. I have been trying to call you but you weren't answering my calls why ?"

" Askies nana bengigula I couldn't touch my phone. I promised to never leave you and I will never leave you okay? Don't cry I will make time to see you are you still staying with your uncle?"

" Ngiyaxolisa for being insensitive bengingazi ukuthi uyagula and nope I am no longer staying with them , I am staying with my brother he got a job and he is no longer with udevil "

" ( Laughing) manje ubani udevil? "

" Sis udevil is Nkosi's girlfriend and don't tell my brother, he will kill me "

" Don't worry your secret is safe ithi ngihambe I will call you before you sleep ok? "

" Ok it was nice speaking to you ubencono ne ?"

" I will bye nana ngiyakuthanda ne?"

" Nami ngokunjalo bye"

Speaking to Siphosihle was like a breath of fresh air. Our conversation was less than 10 minutes but it meant a lot. I know that I told uBusi that I am going to call my mom but I had to speak to usihle I missed her voice.

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