Chapter 6

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' Sifikile phuma '

' Ma sikuphi ?'

' Stop asking questions and follow uyabona inkinga nga 2.0 you guys like questioning everything '

' Ok ma '

As we went closer I saw a river or it was a stream but the way it was flowing I am sure it is a river. I saw a girl covered in mud wearing a red skirt walking around with no shoes on. Something in told me to go back but I didn't listen.

' Thokozani umkhulu is waiting for you, you can come through ' the girl said.

As soon as I looked in her eyes I only saw pain and misery. I also felt her pain and felt like crying but decided against it I mean what would be the reason for me to cry. When the girl saw that I have been looking at her she started crying. She told me that I have to go back from where I come from. I am not going to get the answers that I need. She also told me that I do not have to go to anyone in order for my gift to prosper all I need to do is to listen to the ancestors. As soon as she said that I saw her getting killed. Seeing what I saw she said that I am precious. I have what people want and I should always listen to my instincts. I felt sorry for her because I could see the fear in her eyes but she told my mom to listen to me and to be patient with me as well as to be there for me because a huge storm is on its way and there is no running away from it.

She literally chased us when she saw her gobela approaching and we really ran. My heart was bleeding when I saw the girl being dragged like a dog, being kicked everywhere like nothing.

Unknown pov

Finally the girl is here , took her long enough. She is the last piece that I need in order to get to the Zulu kingdom.

' Ntabeni !'

' Thokozani mkhulu ngingakusiza ngani ?'

' Phuthuma kunabantu abafikile make sure ukuthi bayangena or else uzongithola kahle. '

' Yebo mkhulu '

My plan will finally be in motion. The girl has what I need in order for me to get the throne. Once she gets in here I will be able to trace her aura which will lead me to the chosen king of the Zulu kingdom.

I've been waiting for them for too long.  As I went outside I saw uNtabeni talking to girl and I knew she was chasing them judging by their facial expressions. I tried to call them but she had the nerve to stop me and that's when I lost it.

' Ntabeni wenzeni ucabanga ukuthi Ungubani? '

' Engikwenzile was to save someone's daughter from you and yebo uqinisile when you say ngicabanga ukuthi ngingubani angithi ungithathele ubumina angisazazi nokuthi ngingubani ngenxayakho , continue and kill me vele you no longer have anything to use me for besides being your sex slave. '

' Ntabeni wena lo usukhuluma NAMI kanje , uhla mina , ubhuza mina , unya mina bese uzongidelela kanje ngalokho take everything off I want to punish you very well. Usamile khumula dammit !!'

' Angifuni mkhulu '

' Wow mntanami usu nebackbone kodwa it will not help you now will it ? '

Narrated pov

He teared her clothes off, didn't care whether she was crying or screaming but all that noise was a pleasure to him. Ntabeni was naked in front of him and that was everything he needed but he first wanted to punish Ntabeni for betraying her before killing her.

Ntabeni tried by all means to fight but umkhulu had more power than her. She ended up accepting her faith , she was immune to the pain that she felt , she was used to her rapist using tree branches to rape her before he went into her vagina.

Before umkhulu could kill her a loud thunder was heard. Ntabeni knew that it was her daughter and cried.

' Vumani bo '

Mkulu thought it was his demons giving him permission to kill his initiate but he was wrong. A second thunder was heard and this time it hit directly into mkhulu's head.

Busisiwe pov

When Hlelo told me to meet her. I felt very scared. I knew that something was wrong hence I hurried , I mean I missed my last five periods.

As I got closer to the place, my heart started beating fast. It was like it wanted to come out of my mouth.  I saw Hlelo standing alone looking sad, when I touched her I saw everything that happened , looking at the direction where she was looking I saw the woman who gave birth to me. I wanted to kill that molester for molesting my mother but I knew I had to use my gift.

Hlelo was beyond surprised but I told myself that I will explain everything later. For now bringing my mom to safety was my priority.

I called out to my ancestors asking them to help their daughter but being alone was not working in my favor, my brother was not close to me. Our powers work in hand without him there is nothing that I can do , I am technically weak without him and vise versa but the minute she touched me I felt electricity running through my blood which gave me power to fight that monster.

I used my left hand to send a warning thunder but that Satan didn't take it seriously which made  me to use my right hand. I rarely use my right hand because it causes havoc.

I managed to strike that old man with the help of Hlelo of course. I didn't know that she one of the chosen angles on Earth. Yes most people are gifted but people with the kind of gift that we possess are rare. We are able to connect with the big five animals including snakes that are out of this world.

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