Chapter 24

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Three weeks later

Guess what? Today is actually the day where I am actually preparing for umhlonyane (  my sweet sixteen) and I would be lying if I said I am not nervous. Yazi I do know that I haven't slept with anyone but I can't help but to think about the time where I was sexually harassed by a non living thing that was sent to me by my very own father. My story is very unbelievable, most people don't believe me but it is very easy for a person to judge you based on something that they have never experienced or saw but my grandmother assured me that there was nothing for me to worry about but I just can't help it. 

The yard is full of people ,some that I don't even know and they seem very happy you would swear it was their ceremony instead of mine well  except for my so called aunt and her child. I have a feeling that this week is going to be a long week especially because I have to stay emsamo with impelesi zami ( my bridesmaids) without out bathing imagine.

The most stressing part is that this week is the week that I am apparently supposed to meet my husband whom I don't even know. My only concern is that what if my so called husband is old enough to be my father or is beyond the definition of being ugly? I just hope that the ancestors do the right thing cause asoze if my husband is old or is ugly then I am not even going to attempt, I am just going to leave it there. I would rather die.

I invited Siphosihle and her brother but I really don't know if they will come since they haven't been answering my calls. I also invited Ms Nyawo and apparently she is coming with her colleagues. She is very excited for me and honestly I am really lucky to have someone like her on my side.

My bridesmaids ( impelesi) are supposed to arrive at any moment from now then we all go for our virginity testing.

" Nana ? " My mom called

Honestly speaking, mom hasn't been taking the news of me getting ready for marriage well. Everything is taking a toll on her, she is trying by all means to hide her sadness but come on, I know my mom like I know myself.

" Ma ." I said softly

" How are you feeling" she said

You could tell that she is trying by all means not to break down in front of me and that is honestly hurting. I know that deep down her heart , she wishes she could take my place and spare me from all the suffering.

" Ngiyaphila ma wena how are you feeling?"

" Ngiright I am actually happy that you are actually doing umhlonyane. I thought you wouldn't want to have it since you are a city girl. "

" Hawu kodwa ma angali I spent most of my life in Jozi kodwa I am still a Zulu girl who still adheres to her culture and traditions. "

"( Chuckling) I didn't mean in that way I was just saying. Kodwa I just wish ngabe we are doing umhlonyane under our own rules ngoba hayi ncaa wena nabakini niyasihlukumeza. "

" Ha ma sinihlukumeza ngani ?"

" It's better if you don't know uhm unomehlo usendleleni uzokuhlola I hope akekho uthathe inkomo yami ngoba ngizokubulala. "

" ( Laughing) ubani kodwa ungathatha inkomo yakho ma hayi nawe ungithathela phansi. Ma unomehlo makefika uzongenzani like how is she going to tell if I am a virgin or not ?"

" Konje uzobe uqala ukuhlolwa mntanam but if you must know , unomehlo makefika you will obviously have to take out your underwear and lay down on your back, opening your legs. All that she will be doing is to look at your hymen, if it is still there then you are a virgin but if not kwazi wena. "

" But what if for example I am part of the gymnastics team and it happens that my hymen breaks , what happens then ?"

" Nana no matter what, uma uyi ntombi kuzo bonakala abo nomehlo went through training for any situations so relax okusalayo uyohlolwa. "

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