Chapter 35

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" Hlelo vuka mahn I have to make sure that you don't die at least not now. "  A female voice said

The voice sounds familiar but I can't really open my eyes since they are swollen. I've never thought in my life I would be punished for falling in love like this. Maybe if I had ignored Sphamandla till he gave up, I wouldn't be in pain and kidnapped by him.

" Why don't you kill me once and for all ?" I asked

Honestly I am tired of fighting yazi my grandmother taught me to pray and to have faith in God but at this point I really don't know. If God and the ancestors truly love's me then why am I suffering? Why aren't the ancestors communicating with me ? they are able to prove themselves that they have the upper hand but why aren't they using their abilities to free me or am I supposed to die in the hands of my lover ?

At this point I am really hoping that whoever is in the room that I am in frees me from the hands of the devil.

" Ncooo mntase as much as I would like to end your useless life but that would be the easiest way out. " She said

There are only two people who calls me mntase which is Busi and Zama my sister....

" Zama is that you?" I asked

My eyes are swollen hence I can't even see the person that I am speaking to.

" In the flesh baby girl. " She said

" Sis please ngicela ungikhulule before uSphamandla ebuya. Please. "

A part of me knows that my sister is working with Sphamandla but I don't want to entertain it because I refuse to believe that my sister would betray me like that.

" Uyazi Hlelolwenkosi I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your mom and you but mostly you. " She said

" What did I do ? "

You could tell from her eyes that she hates me and I don't even know what I did.

" Well my dear sis , you did nothing the problem is your existence in this life. If it wasn't for you my father would not be as sick as he is now, secondly we wouldn't be broke as we are now. " She said

" Please don't kill me, I am already in pain and I am losing a lot of blood ngiyakucela Zama please this is not you. " I plead

I am so betrayed as if being physically in pain was not enough, she had to add on top of it all. My siblings were there when I through the whole ordeal with my father, they saw how he wanted to kill me but they still chose his side.

" Vele mina I don't want blood on my hands so I am just going to take a piece of your blood running through your thighs then I am done oh and just so you know Sphamandla has left the country and I am also going to follow him so askies darling but you are going to have to stick it out till you eventually die. " She said

" Ngiyakucela mntaka baba please don't do this. " I said

My heart is throbbing hard. I just want to leave this world.

" Kulungile Zama kill me ngoba vele awuna ndaba nami. You were there when ubaba confessed ukuthi he wanted to kill me because of the gift that I possess. You there when he used my favorite doll kodwa vele you said it yourself I am the reason that you lost all your wealth. " I said with tears streaming down.

I am not crying because Zama betrayed me but I am crying because of the reason she betrayed me. I am not going to continue begging her she can do whatever that she wants after all no one will ever want to be with me.

" Don't worry because I have mercy , I will inject you with something that will make everything numb actually I am going to give you something to sleep so that you don't feel any pain ok ?" She said with a smug on her face

She came closer to me and injected me with whatever and before I knew it I passed out.

Nkosiyabo's POV

I am getting weaker but I'm still holding on. I was surprised to hear that Hlelolwenkosi is kidnapped by her ex boyfriend which explains all the pains that I have been experiencing even though I don't understand how but yeah. I am running out of breath , I can't breathe properly.

" Sihle we are losing her. " I said

We were welcomed by her mom and grandmother but you can see how much Hlelo abduction has affected them.

" We can't lose her mama do something. " Hlelo' s mom said

Seeing Hlelolwenkosi's mother cry broke my heart but something in me tells me to drive. I am driving but I don't know where I am going , my heart is leading me.

We drove till we ended up in Hillbrow. When we got there my heart started beating faster and the pains were starting again.

" Sihle go inside with the guards and you will find her. " I said

I wanted to go but the pain was very emerse. Sihle left with two guards and  Hlelolwenkosi's mother and grandmother. They left me in the car and came back after a few minutes. My heart dropped when I saw Hlelo carried by guards, she was full of blood and she lost weight. Her sight made me angry but I couldn't afford to thinking about how I feel instead of rushing Hlelo to the hospital.

" Hlelo vula amehlo "Her mom said

" Bakwethu please calm down. " I said

I drove straight to Netcare hospital and when I got there I carried her.

" What happened ?" One of the nurses asked

" She was kidnapped by her ex boyfriend last week and we only found her today, ngiyakucela ma please save her. " I said

The doctor came and informed us that Hlelolwenkosi is in intensive care unit and that they need someone to donate blood for Hlelo as she lost a lot of blood.

Unknown's POV

I have to save her , I can't allow them to kill her.

" Gogo ngicela ungisize sithandaze kunomoya umubi ofuna ukuhlakaza into enhle. "

" Masithandaze mntanam"

I'm scared of going outside. I don't know how people will conceive me and my grandmother. We have been staying in the caves for a long time since I was was born because of our appearance. The community chased our family and we were cursed by Isilo sakwa Zulu because of the gift we possess and there is only person who can break the curse but there are evil forces that wants to stop our queen from taking her rightful place. I have to stop them but they can't discover me or else I am dead.

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