Continuation of Chapter 14

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The school bell finally rang and I can't wait to get home. As much as I said I enjoy learning Life science but I enjoy being at home more than anything. I actually hate school with my all like with every fiber in my body but it's said that education is the key to success.

As I was packing up, Ms Nyawo asked me to stay behind there is something that we have to talk about but I actually know that it's about what happened in the morning with uZandile.

" Mam you called me?" I asked. If she is really going to talk about what happened this morning, I am going to run away. I am ashamed of my actions.

" Yha ms dignity, respect...."

" Mam don't be those hle " I had to interrupt her before she could on.

" Ngiyadlala mahn how are you like iLife ikuphethe kanjani ? "

" Well I must say ngincono kakhulu than the first term. I am not really out of the woods as yet but ekhaya they pleaded with the underground gang so hopefully bazongiphumuza "

" That's good to hear phela ubuzongishiya ngedwa la and I have been meaning to ask you something. When last did you talk to uBusisiwe? I have been having dreams ngaye I do not know what do they mean. "

" Yoh mam , it's been a while since I spoke to her nje ever since I have been sick, she became distant , she doesn't call me or anything nje she is quiet for a ' best friend and a sister '

" Did you try calling her or be there for her since you know about her mother's situation ?"

" Mam how was I going to be there for her when I myself was going through a lot. Mam uyabazi ubunzima engibuya Kubo. I was the one who found her mom, I drove us to the hospital,mam I even offered my house to uBusi just so that she is not alone but did she do the same for me ? Nope instead she ignored me. "

" Hlelo maybe she lost her cellphone or something there must be an explanation for her behavior "

" Mam she didn't lose her phone. She was able to have conversations with uSihle but she couldn't text me just to ask how I am. "

" Why don't you try calling her and ask her what is going on because she was not at school today and maybe she might be in danger. "

"Vele I was planning to call her when I get home. I will update you on Busi okwamanje I need to go surely uma ungilindile. "

" Do that and also do my homework siyezwana angithi ? "

" Yes ma'am "

I know that Ms Nyawo cares about me and she probably feels like my friendship with Busi is hurting me since we are not exactly close.

Speaking with my Life science teacher costed me a whole 15 minutes and mom is definitely angry at me. I hurried to the parking lot hoping that I don't get shouted in front of people and guess who is hugging my mom.  Mr Khumalo hugging my mom and it seemed like my mom is enjoying the hug. They are in their own world, they can't even see that I am there watching them. My mom is in for it angithi she said that there's no way Mr Khumalo could have a crush on her kodwa she is hugging him.

" Mama ?"

I acted like I didn't actually see them hugging and tell you what as soon as my mom saw me she pushed him away.

" Kunini ngikulindile ashambe I am already behind with my work "

" Can I call you later ? " My mom said

"Sure " Mr Khumalo replied

I am really confused. I didn't think that my mom would like or be liked my teacher. I know that Mr Khumalo has a crush on my mom but I did not know that my mom shared the same feelings with him. My mom got inside the car and turned on the radio.

" Ma asikho isidingo sokuthi uvulele iradio phezulu. "

" Yini ? It's my car and if I want to turn the radio high I will  and besides that I am just in the mood of listening to music. "

"Or there is something that you are avoiding "

" What am I avoiding? ( laughing) uyagula wena"

" Ma kwezakalani between wena no Mr Khumalo?"

" What is going on ngani ?"

" Well firstly I won our bet , secondly I saw you guys hugging and it was not a two minutes hug ,it was 10 to 15 minutes so please explain "

" Hayi wena you misread the situation ( Chuckling) um uSifiso needed someone to comfort him , he is currently going through something and it happened that I was there hence he hugged me. "

I know that my mom is able to create a lie but I didn't think she was that good, I mean I know what I saw.

" USifiso you say "

"Eish mahn I meant umr Khumalo. "

" Ma you are even calling him by his first name , heee ( clapping hands) imihlolo yodwa "

" Ungakhohlwa ukuthi uyi ngane ngingaku shaya ngempama "

" Hau ma ngiyadlala but please no matter what do not make things awkward for me anyways guess who  was not at school ?"

" Ubani, is it uNkosiyabo?"

" Mama why would you think it was uNkosiyabo who was absent, uBusi was not at school today and I don't know why. I promised my teacher to call her "

" Hmm ok "

I could tell from my mother's response that she is not interested in the topic and I do not blame her. My mom was not in the mood for cooking and she had  somewhere to go hence we bought takeaways before we went home.

When we got home I felt anxious or rather scared and I knew that something is wrong, before I could even say anything I saw my father on my door step . Everything suddenly became small, even the car. My breathing became shorter and my body started shivering. I knew that I was having a panic attack I tried calming down but everything suddenly became black.

Author's note

Hi guys, it's that time of the year and we all know how busy it can get. I'm trying my best to be consistent but I am not promising anything

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