Chapter 11

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Three months later

Nkosiyabo's pov.


Knock knock

"Sihle hamba uyovule emnyango "


" Sihle?" Mxm yazi lengane

" I am coming "

" Hi I am looking for Nkosiyabo Zulu and Siphosihle Zulu "

" Excuse me mam but who is looking for us?"

" Sorry, my name is Shria Rampersaad and I am your parents lawyer and I am here to talk about the will can I come inside? "

" Um sorry where are my manners, you can come in  please take a seat while I fetch my lil sis.

Angazi why I am nervous but
yoh  I am shaking. What scares me the most is that it's been a year since I lost uma no baba.  It was not easy , I had to become a father and a mother to my lil sister. Sihle has been undergoing therapy and I just hope that she will not be triggered by the mention of our parents.

" Sorry to keep you waiting, can I offer you something to drink " Nkosi

" No thanks. With to your permission, I would like to get on with what I came here for  "

" Of course continue"

" As I have already introduced myself, I was appointed by both your parents Nelisiwe Zulu and Nkosikhona Zulu. "

" Sorry to disturb you but why did our parents have two lawyers ?"

" Your parents had two lawyers because they didn't trust the first lawyer. They knew that he could be easily bought. Back to business. Nkosiyabo your parents had two companies, a boutique company, logistics company. Your mother left the boutique in Siphosihle hands and the logistics in your hands but because Siphosihle is still young, you have to take over till she is ready. "

" So I have to be the CEO of both companies and what about my studies?"

" For now your parents left me in charge but if you feel like you are not ready, I can hold the fort till you ready. You do not have to abandon your studies but you can come in during weekends and afternoons just to learn the basics.  There is also a trust fund for the both of you, for your studies and for your well being however when you are done with your studies you take over completely and I go back to being a lawyer. "

" Yoh I didn't know that my parents were actually rich "

" (Chuckling) Your parents are not rich but they are wealthy , have you ever heard of Zulu Inc and Beauty of fashion?"

" Yeah I saw it on social media , Beauty of fashion was the one that designed Mphowabadimo' s wedding dress right. "

" Yes all of that belongs to your parents. I am going to leave my contact details for you guys to call me if you need anything. I promised your parents to take care of you and lastly there are letters from both your parents for the both of you but please open them when I am gone and when you guys are ready. "

Flashback ends

Like every other day I am still debating with my inner self on whether to open the letter or not. I am afraid to discover what is on the letter, what if whatever that's on the letter changes my life forever ? or what if it destroys me ?

" Yazi ndoda it's either you open the damn letter or you burn it phela hayi ngeke kunini ubheke lencwadi like Jo it's starting to piss me off so decide manje wenzani uyayivula or noma uyayishisa " Sbusiso

Sbusiso is my friend from primary. He's more like a brother to me and one thing about him , he is straight forward and wouldn't mind beating the crap out of a person if you are irrational or stubborn just like he is with me now.

" Mfana wena awu understandi."

" Ntwana as much as kunzima, you need to know what's in that letter whether it's bad or not or you can give it to me I will gladly read it. Surely ne ink kuleyo ncwadi isiya vanisha "

" Uyagula wena ivanisha kanjani iink ? "

" Asazi kodwa ngi prove wrong ke vula incwadi sibone ukuthi iink ayi vanishanga "

" Yoh ndoda okay "

This bro is putting unnecessary pressure but I am glad he is otherwise I was never going to open the letter. Here goes nothing... ( Opening the letter)

" Nkosiyabo

Son if you are ready this letter, kushukuthi I am gone. I was going to say I am dead but I am not. I am now your angel or your guardian because angel seems a bit gayish. Son I am really sorry for leaving you guys at a young age as you guys. I want you to know that everything that happened was to protect you guys. There are many things that you have to know, I know you are asking yourself why didn't I tell you when I was still alive but the truth is I was a coward, I was afraid of facing my past hence it catched up with me. Before your mother and I moved to Johannesburg, we were originally from KZN in Kwakhangelamankengane. I am or was from the royal family. When your mother got pregnant, we were told that you  are special, that you are not going to be just a king but you are also the seer of the Zulu kingdom. When the family found out, they planned to kill your mother and you while still in your mother's womb hence we ran and never went back. The ancestors are angry at us , I regret some of the decisions that I took but my heart is at piece knowing very well that I died protecting my family. Bazoza in attempt to kill you and your sister but they won't be able to kill because you are protected by someone who is meant to be the queen of the Zulu kingdom.

Your time has come to take the throne everything will unvail itself in due time. And remember do not trust anyone. Listen to your instincts, they are always right.

Ngiyaxolisa Ndabezitha. Ngizohlezi ngikugadile empilweni yakho Kanye no dadewenu. "

" And ithini? " Sbusiso

"Sbuda mfana ngicela ungishayise ngomoya ngizokufonela when I am ready."

" Fede nja yami just know that I am here when you need me "

" Dankie skoko"

How could my father do this ( tearing up) , what does he mean when he says I am protected by my queen ?but wait if I am the ' king' (note the quotation marks) and there's a queen does this mean I must get married to that person ?and who the hell is that person ? But who am I kidding ngoba the people who are supposed to give me answers are not there, thy decided to leave me in a mess and a one hell of a mess.

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