Chapter 3

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The periods went pretty slow and I was already hungry by the time lunch arrived. Busi kept me entertained and I must say the girl is for keeps. But first I need to use the bathroom.

Guess who I found crying in the bathroom? Zandile the one and only Zandile and her boyfriend was not there luckily she didn't see otherwise I would have been her punching bag. She kept screaming Nkosiyabo like a crazy person it seems like they have broken up so early in the year. Wow I guess new year new beginnings.

Busi was already waiting for me outside and she seemed a bit agitated.

"Wele yini ( what's wrong) ?" I asked

"Wele you won't believe what just happened "

"Busi khuluma you are making me scared. (speak)"

"Hlelo a group of girls came to me while I was waiting for you. Apparently you are not in my league, you are nerd who is not even recognized by everyone in the school. They told me that I must chill with them so that I can be recognized by hot guys of the school. Like seriously can you imagine ? "

I should have known that Busi was out of my league. I mean she is the goddess of beauty while I am just a ugly fat bookworm as they call me.

"Busi it is not a problem you can go and sit with them I am used to being alone. You wouldn't be the first person to ditch me for them. "

I left Busi standing there and run to my secret place where I usually sit during lunch. I didn't expect myself to cry but it is painful. Kanti don't I deserve someone to talk to, like someone that I can trust just because I didn't want to shorten my tunic or put artificial things. I am unique I love my natural look is that a crime? No matter how hard I try to be like them , I just can't be like them it's not who I am to think that in primary school they were not like this breaks my heart.

" Yey wena Hlelo how could you leave me like that. You know I've been looking for you what feels like forever yini ?"

" There's no need for you to shout I wanted to spare myself for rejection I know that you have new friends so I wanted to be alone. "

"Did you really think I was going to ditch you for some stupid girls who think they are hot ?"


"Well firstly you are wrong secondly I wouldn't do that. Don't you think I wouldn't have come to you if I really didn't want to be your friend. I told you from the get go that I like you. When I first saw you I saw, I saw a replica of me. Now do you believe me. "

"I guess I was wrong ( shrugging). I am sorry. I was just protecting my heart from getting hurt again. It's just that I've been hurt so many times I don't know what to believe. Most people say it's my fault I wear my heart on sleeve. "

" I see you ushaya ezika Rod wave but all is forgiven wele I am not going anywhere okay I promise now ashambe before the bell rings. "

" Ngathi uyazi how hungry I am , I could eat a whole elephant right now. "

" Hehehe wena na last time I checked you were angry, left me standing without responding but ke ngoba I'm a good person ashambe your McDonald's is waiting for you. "

" Oh my goodness wele ngiyabonga how did you know that McDonald's is my favorite? "

" Hawu wele don't act surprised we are twins after all nami McDonald's is my favorite. "

For the first time I am genuinely happy. Ukuthi nje I can never forget the things that I went through. The McDonald's was really nice maybe it was nice because I had someone other than my family to eat it with.

" Kuyasha Hlelo!" Busi said

" Kuphi ashambe oh my gosh I can't afford to die now. "

" ( laughing) yoh you should see your face right now "

There is something about Busi I just don't know what it is as yet but something is off she seems like someone who is not supposed to be in this world because my shoulder's are weighing heavily on me don't really know why.

"Voesek wena yazi I almost fainted because of you why would you do that. "

"I've been talking to you for what feels like forever but you weren't responding so I had to maak ' n plan and vele what were you thinking about that made you to forget about me. "

"Askies Mtase it's just that I have been reflecting on my life and I can say proudly that I am a warrior and a conquer. " I lied

I was not really reflecting on my past I, I was just thinking about how it feels to be genuinely happy.

"Si late for iclass ashambe ( we are late for class let's go) we will talk later but don't think too much of it because I can see ukuthi ( that)whatever that happened has made a huge impact on your life and it's not a must to tell me you can tell me whenever you ready. "

" Ngiyabonga Wele. ( Thanks twin )"

The rest of the periods went pretty fast and I remembered that I promised to fetch Sihle after school ngapha Busi wants us to chill together and get to know each other. So the option left was for me to tell Busi that I have to spend time with my baby sister.

"Busi l have to go somewhere else but we can go together if that's ok?"

" Yeah sure where are we going?"

I ended up telling her about Sihle's situation and to say she was shocked is a understatement like ubemangele ( shocked )and angry. She reacted exactly like me and we both agreed to look for Sihle's brother eskolweni( at school).  I really don't know why but I am already attached to the girl even though I only met her in the morning. My mind and heart are having a debate, my heart feels sorry for the girl but my mind thinks the girl is lying I really don't know at this point. After Busi being uBusi , we drove to Siphosihle's school hoping that we were not late.

Author's note
Hi guys sorry for not translating promise to do so when I get time
Lots of love

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