Chapter 10

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At school.

"Welcome back Hlelo hope that you okay and feeling better" Ms Nyawo said

" Thanks mam it feels good to be back"

" We should talk come and see   me after school. "

" No prob mam "

Ms Nyawo is my  life science teacher but she is more of a sister and a friend to me. Ok maybe I am over doing it when I say my best friend but she is the only person that I am able to talk to without any judgements. She is always available when I need her. I remember the time when I was still going through the abuse that my father put me through, she was there for me,  she became a shoulder to cry on. Honestly speaking if she was not there during that time, I probably would have committed suicide.

Everyone in class was welcome. I didn't know that my absence would be felt phela I am quiet in every class, I don't have any friends besides Busisiwe of course and I am not popular, well maybe I am popular because of my grades but it was so unexpected.

School went faster than I expected, within a wink of an eye it is after school and I have to go to Ms Nyawo otherwise she will be upset with me. Busi already knows about my meeting with my Life science teacher. She doesn't know that I have a relationship with Ms Nyawo because I was told to never tell anyone about our relationship because in grade 9 ( which is last year) , there were rumors about Ms Nyawo giving me answers in each and every maths test that we wrote, mind you by that time she was teaching me mathematics just because I am intelligent people thought I was cheating and that almost got my teacher in trouble. As much as I trust uBusi but I don't think I must inform her as yet.

As I am walking towards Ms Nyawo, everything suddenly becomes blur. Something in me tells me to kneel down and clap my hands.

" Ngempela bangenile makhosi ( they have really entered)"she said    

" What do you mean mam because I felt dizzy for a moment and everything was blur ngizithole sengiphansi ( I found myself on the floors)"

" Unjin child?"

" Yoh mam a lot has happened and I won't lie kunzima and kubuhlungu. Yesterday I went to a seer and I was chased away by ithwasa lakhe. When I touched her hand, I saw the pain she is in and the pain she is about to under go. My mom has to hurry home, there was an emergency and I was left alone. I called my friend uBusisiwe to help me to rescue the lady and turns out the lady is her mom. I was shocked but what shocked me the worst was what we did to get the man off Busi's mom. Her mom was beyond recognition but we took her to Charlotte Maxeke hospital. From there we went to get food but we were disturbed by this man with this dark aura. We immediately left and went to my house, I found my mom crying , there is something that is bothering her and I don't know what it is. We left her there and went upstairs with uBusi. There's something that she said that puzzles me angazi why but I am fearing for my life. "

" Wow yoh I didn't know it was that tense but I am sure everything will be clear from now onwards. Leave your mom she will tell you when she is ready and just remember to always pray ngoba zisazokhala. "

" What do you mean mam uyangilahla ?"

" Khumbula izinye izinto asizikhetheli zona kodwa zikhetha thina.  Mntanami as much as I would like to help  you kodwa I can't lendlela eyakho wedwa just know ukuthi I'm there for you whenever you need me  , I'm just a phone call away. "

" But mam whenever I text you, you take forever to answer me so nje I don't trust you "

" ( Chuckling) hayi Hlelo unamanga hamba uye ekhaya "

" Uyabo you are chasing me out ngoba uyazi I'm telling the truth "

" Sharp sizokhuluma efonini "

" Bye"

( Smiling) yazi speaking to Ms Nyawo can be a breath of fresh air even though I didn't tell her precisely what is happening with me but it was nice to talk to her. I am hungry but I am in the mood kasi food, something like ikota or ichesanyama. Driving to Soweto I am listening to umaskandi. To those who don't maskhandi is the name of the Zulu traditional songs and tell you what they are the best even though most people don't like it but mina ngingumzulu wangempela and I enjoy listening to it because they always convey a message even though it's mostly love songs but I still love umaskandi.

Guess who I bumped into when I arrived at Kota King , I bumped into Nkosiyabo the popular guy like I literally got my uniform dirty for the second time and by thee Nkosiyabo yerr I am so angry and thee Nkosiyabo seems shocked.

" Watch where you going next time and why are you looking at me like you have seen a ghost?"

" Um askies it was not my intention to spill my cold drink on your uniform and ukuthi seeing you now reminds me that I have not seen you in a while at school"

" Wow you apologizing ngempela uJesu ubuyile and why would you care or konje you and your girlfriend had no one to bully since I was not there. Nx"

" What are talking about ? I am no longer dating uZandile and I am very much single but you are so wrong for saying I bullied you wherelse it was uZandile alone. "

" Manje uzozenza islima. You are telling me that it was not you who was telling me about the way I am unattractive ngakhona , body shaming in front of the school and teasing me at school or it was your shadow or better yet it was your twin. "

" ......"

" Nx next time watch were you going "

Yazi uNkosi thinks I am stupid and wait did I just tell Nkosi where to get off like I was not quiet like usually. What if he takes revenge at school. Yoh father God ngenzeni.

I bought amakota for me and my mom and went home but yoh the nerves are doing the most.

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