Chapter 26

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Unknown pov

" Mama you promised me ( sniffing) , you promised that I will be the one who will carry the powers and that you will make sure that you will convince the ancestors to change their minds and make them see that I am the perfect candidate for the job kodwa manje ngikuphi ? Hee ngikuphi ma !" Queen said

" Ngiyazi mntanam , I know ukuthi I promised but I was waiting for your father. He told me that he has a plan in place. Baba you do have a plan in place right?" Sphelele said

Everyone is putting pressure on me , they are expecting me to have a plan not understanding that we are not dealing with one of the girls that we usually deal with.

" Sthandwa sam all in due time or noma anisangethembi. Nithe uzobuya nini usatane ?"I said

"( Laughing) hayi baba siyakwethemba futhi bengazi ukuthi une plan ukuthi umtanako ubefuna isiqiniseko sokuthi awungeke umphoxe. " Sphelele said

" Ngikenganiphoxa nini kodwa ngoba in my whole life I have been proving myself to you and our daughter. I gave you my all namanje I am the only one who is suffering for the things that we both did and still you guys are questioning my ability to kill that girl ?"

" Ncaa baba , ngiyaxolisa bengingaqondile u....." She said

" Thula mfazi !! , thula ngoba uyabeda. "

I have to make a plan fast before all my hard work perishes. I wish ngabe uNtombinkulu had listened to me when I told her to get rid of the bastard child that she was carrying but she didn't and now that bastard is a threat to my life and to think I have tried to get rid of her but it was always a mission impossible because of the gift she posses. I can't kill her and at the same time I let her take everything that I have worked for.

There is only one person that could do the work but if I ask them to help me, I will be selling my soul to the devil. I am not yet ready to do the things that are required inorder for them to help me.

" Phalane what the hell do you mean when you say you are not ready ?" Sphelele asked

" Mamakhe how did you know that?"

" Hayibo wena yini ngathi ukhohliwe ukuthi siyinto eyodwa mina nawe  nanoma ucabanga izinqe zamantombazane ngisuke ngikulalele. Ngiyakucela angifuni ukuthi yonkinto yam engiyisebenzele kanzima ishabalale ngenxa yenja yakho. Ngiyazi ukuthi unalo icebo, khuluma ngikulindile "

" Mamakhe uyedwa vo umuntu ungasinceda kodwa angazi , loyamuntu uyasabeka. "

" Heee imihlola yami le, wena Ananias Dlomo , kunomuntu omusabayo I thought you are untouchable but now ....  Now I am not so sure. "

" Sphelele would you sleep ne ndoda kanye ne nyoka at the same time every day with no rest. Lalela la wena mfazidini mina lo uPhalane angisoze ngalala ne ndoda mina uyamazi uDevil wena. uDevil is a human/ snake that helps people with whatever problems that they have, no matter what how big their problems are but the only is that you have to sacrifice three virgins before he can help you. "

" Manje why are you complaining ngoba it's not like you haven't sacrificed virgin's already ?"

" Exactly I have done that already. Devil has a law that you come to him once and if it happens that you want his help for the second time, you have to bring pleasure to him for which he is bisexual. Udla konke unless you are willing to sell your self then kuright I will take you to she/him. "

" Bese wena wenzani if I go to him ?"

" Is it not enough that I always have to feed that thing that you call a husband pure blood every week while you just use it to satisfy yourself. "

" Okay ke I will go tomorrow futhi tomorrow is the perfect day especially since that bitch is coming back so a little fun won't hurt. ( Laughing loud)"

Hlelolwenkosi POV

Being here has taught me a lot. I have learned more about respect and the differences between culture and traditions but most importantly being here has taught me more about values  and made me realize how much morals add to one's dignity. Uhm I think I have changed a lot and guess what?

" Ndlunkulu sithunyiwe abadala bathi uphuthume edlini enkulu. " Nomvula said

Do you remember that girl who said her name is Noluthando but somewhere somehow her name got changed to Nomvula ? Yebo that's her. She and Manzini ( the other girl that was with Noluthando ) are stucked here not exactly stucked but their lives are now inside the water.

"Ngiyeza manje Nom- nom "

I left my hut in a hurry because I know better than to keep the elders waiting. The last time I took my time, I was punished severely to the point that I wanted a way to get out. I had to cook for the whole day and wash the dishes with no one to help me. Yes I am used to cooking and cleaning but I was never used to cooking for the whole nation. After all the work that they had for me , mind you I was only given four hours to cook and clean.  I had to gogo Ncane for my first lesson on how to interpret different types of dreams and how to interpret their signs. By the time they released me I was very tired and that's how I learned my lesson.

I really don't have much of a choice when coming to choosing my clothes because I am always a in white dress with a matching doek. So  after wrapping my head  I went to the main  hut.

When I got to the main hut everyone was waiting for me including umkhuluomkhulu and there was something about their facial expressions that scared me.

" Mntanam isikhathi sizesafika. Uhambo lwakho luqala la. " Gogo Mkabayi said

" Ngenkulu inhlonipho bantu abadala , ngiyanizwa ukuthi niyakhuluma kodwa anginizwa ukuthi nithini kimi. "

" Ndlunkulu isikhathi sokuthi uthathe isihlalo sakho eceleni kwesilo ngengo Ndlunkulu wakhe. "  Mkhuluomkhulu said

" Ngiyanizwa bo Ndabezitha kodwa benginesicelo "

" Isicelo sani ?" Gogo Mkabayi said

" Bengicela ukuthi ninginikeze ithuba lokuthi ngifunde nami ngithole iziqu ngabambi kokuthi ngiye esigodlweni sami. Ngenkulu inhlonipho kodwa angicabangi ukuthi nifuna uNdlunkulu ungafundanga. "

" Ufuna isikhathi esingakanani ?" Mkhuluomkhulu asked

" Bengicela ukuthi ningilinde ngizengemule. "

" Siyakuzwa ithi ngisazokhuluma nabasekweni kodwa ukwamanje, nokwanamhlanje isikhathi sakho sokuthi ubenathi siphelile. Immediately when the sun sets you will off but you will arrive enthathakusa. " Mkhuluomkhulu said

"Ndabezitha " I said before I left.

I just hope that the elders take my request into consideration because I feel like I am still a child, I haven't yet matured to be dealing with the responsibilities of being a queen.

Few hours later

It is a bittersweet moment for me because I have to leave everyone who has become my family including Nomvula and Manzini.

" Mntanami  please remember ukuthi not everyone is happy with you even your family be careful and also whatever that happened here stay's here. " Gogo said

" Yebo gogo " I replied

" Close your eyes " gogo said

I was having doubts but I closed my eyes. In a minute I felt umkhuluomkhulu surrounding me like he did when I first came here and it was not like the first time. It was very different, I was not even afraid but actually happy. My stay here was not a easy one but it was all worth it. When mkhuluomkhulu was done I fell into a deep sleep.

Author's note

Hey guys my humblest apologies for the late updates , but I promise to fix all of that in due time. Please continue to vote for Hlelolwenkosi 🥰🥰

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