Chapter 19

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" Hlelo vuka uyopheka isidlo sase'kseni " my grandmother called.

Mind you it was around 5 am in the morning and I was expected to be up already. Knowing my grandmother, I knew she was going to throw a fit if I didn't do as she says.

I was so tired and in a foul mood so I decided to take a quick shower, thank God my mom renovated our home so that we don't have to suffer and fetch the water from the water tank in our community or from the river, pecks of working hard. While I was in the shower I kept thinking about my so called husband, I just wanted to know if he knows about me but maybe that person knows since I also know about him but of course I had to disturb myself before I get carried away.

The weather was a bit chilly so I had to wear something that is a bit warm hence I decided on my black leggings along with my grey hoodie and my white beanie. I didn't wear anything besides my sports bra just in case the weather decided to change.

By the time I was done with everything , it was around 6 am so I had at least 2 hours to prepare breakfast. Before I started cooking, I cleaned the house just for the sake of peace and when I was done I made fat cakes and koeksisters . Luckily I was able to get everything done without being disturbed.

Making food and cleaning was what I needed well that what I thought before I got a call.

" Hello" I answered. I honestly didn't know who called me.

" Hi Hlelo kunjani ? " Nkosiyabo said.

" Nkosi is that you? How did you get my numbers"

" Ouch Hlelo ngaze ngaba hurt. Didn't you give me your tens for whenever I am bringing or fetching uSihle. "

" ( Chuckling) eish nawe ukuthi mahn there is a lot going on nje my life changed within a wink of an eye. "

" Your life changed ? Kanjani manje ngoba ngikugcine uright, what went wrong ?"

" Yoh mfethu nami angazi ngivele ngatshelwa ukuthi kwamele ngibuyele ekhaya ngokushesha. "

" Ooh is that why you are not at school kodwa uzobuya angithi? As soon as everything is good you are coming home. "

" ( Laughing) home bhuti? Hayi uyajoker yoh. I am at home now and eyeskole angazi on a serious note. I think I am going to do a online schooling. "

"Hayi mfana angeke phela kushukuthi I am not going to see you ever again haii ngeke yoh what about uSihle. You know ukuthi you mean a lot to me and uSihle of course uhm you are a blessing in disguise angazi when was the last time I saw my sister being genuinely happy like ever since our parents death , she became something else but as soon as you got into our lives , she went back to being uSiphosihle engimaziyo and now that you are not here with us , I am scared. Uyazi she has been asking about you and I don't what to say to her. "

" Nkosi it's not like I not coming back forever and obviously uzoza uzongi bona next week for the weekend so relax I am just a few hours away from you guys. "

" Okay cool ngisendele ilocation and we will be there. "

" Serious ,okay ngizokusendele mara you know that I was joking like I can't expect you to come to Kzn from Johannesburg just to see me. "

"Who said I was never going to come and visit you yoh sisi  Kwezeke ukuthi ungicele qala kodwa vele bengiplanne ukuzokubona because I am worried about you so no negotiations siyeza will be waiting for the location. "

" Ncoo that's cute , wena thee Nkosiyabo is worried about me. Ngishayeni maybe I am dreaming. "

" ( Laughing) Hlelo une drama yazi, you not dreaming vele I am worried about you is that a crime. ( Chuckling) mxm bye bye Hlelo thina abanye have to go to class ngizokubona next week. "

" Sharp vele ungibazamile I was about to eat. "

" Ube nosuku olufana nawe. "

" ( Blushing) nawe Ndabezitha "

" (Chuckling) hawu kodwa MaNyambose ungezani ?"

" Bye bye Nkosiyabo "

The phone call that I had left me in smiling. I won't lie I thought cooking and cleaning made me better but speaking to uNkosiyabo made me much better and it also made me to see him in a different way than before. It's funny how he went from being my bully to being my buddy.

" Mzukulu ?" My grandmother called.

When I turned back I found everyone in the dinning room waiting for me mind you the last time I checked everyone was still asleep.

" Gogo?" I didn't know how to react because I was not sure whether they heard my conversation with uNkosiyabo or not.

" Yini ngathi uthukile ?" My grandmother asked

" Mina gogo , hai angithukanga , ngimangele ukuthi nifike nini la. "

" Obviously you would be surprised angithi ubusy nabafana , you are even smiling and blushing bese bethi you are the chosen one. " My aunt said.

" Mamncane I was talking to my friend who is coming to visit me next week. Is it a crime to have boy friends manje. Gogo ngicela umngani wam eze ngeviki elizayo. He wants to check up on me since ngivele ngahamba eskolweni. "

" Akunankinga mzukulu as long as abazali bakhe bazi ukuthi uyeza. "  My grandmother said.

" Gogo the problem is he is not coming alone, he is coming with uSiphosihle the girl that I told you about. He is the brother of the girl and gogo they do not have parents bashona last year. "

" Ma ngiyabazi they are sweet children. " My mom said

" Okay ayikho inkinga and let there be no one to comment or do anything to that kids siyezwana. "

" Yebo " everyone said.

I thought ugogo would shout ngoba ngikhuluma nomfana ngoba the way I know her she was going to throw a fit but she didn't. My aunt was angry but then it was expected of her. We had breakfast that was prepared by me and wow ngizithathela phansi Shem. I know that I can cook but I didn't know it was that good and everyone enjoyed my fat cakes.

Unknown pov

" Babe usefikile" she said

" Ubani sthandwa sam "  he said

"Majaha ithi uyadlala "

" Queen ukhuluma ngani. "

To be continued

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