Chapter 31

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My mom decided to take us out to have a celebratory dinner immediately when we got home. I was about to soak myself when she suddenly had a change of mind. A warm bath was all that I needed just to escape from my life but I guess I was supposed to suck it all up.

I took a shower just to refresh myself and decided to wear my skinny jeans along with my white hoodie. I was no  longer conscious of what I wear and of how people would conceive me.

" Hlelo hurry up please! " My mom said

I definitely didn't answer her cause if I did, I was never going to hear the end of it. I quickly wore my white air force and my jean jacket. I was still deciding on whether I should wear my white beanie or just wear a doek when Mr Khumalo came to my room.

" Hlelo your mom is having a fit can we please leave?" He said politely

Mr Khumalo has been the best thing to ever happen in my mom's life. I don't know how long have they been dating but I am happy for them.

" Mntungwa I don't know which one to choose. Should I wear a doek or a beanie. "

" My child, for a elegant person like you, a doek will do but hurry up. " He said

" Ngiyabonga Mntungwa " I said

I went with my white doek and damn did I not look ravishing. Just to complete the whole look I took my earnings and sprayed my perfume just to make my presence felt. Feeling as confident as I am , I took  a few snaps and sent them to the girls group and also post some of them on my Instagram account.

When I finally got to the living room I found my mom and sir making out one the couch.

" Hai  guys pda please." I said

I was so disgusted with the scene like I felt like I could hurl.

" Kunini sikulindile, yoh phela a person has needs and wena Queen Elizabeth decided to take your time, I attended to my needs. " My mom said

" Siyaxolisa nana but did you see how beautiful your mom is? I just couldn't hold my self. " Mr Khumalo said

" You know what guys, I think you guys should continue with whatever that you were doing and I will just go and buy takeaways. Ma please don't ever let me see you in that compromised situation phela you are my mom and I would like to see you as my mom and still respect you same goes for you Mr Khumalo. " I said

I was still disgusted but I managed to hide my expression. I didn't even wait for their response.  I just took my mom's car keys , phone and purse and left and on the way I was listening to Sjava and Big Zulu and I felt myself healing.

' Sayona , Sayona
Sasi nento enhle
Sayona thina

Mangingedwa ngifikelwa yimibuzo
Ukuthi wawuk' bona yini ukubaluleka kwam impilweni yakho

Ngangikuthanda , ngik' fela
Ngangeza konke kwam ukuk' vikela
Ngifisela injabulo no thando ne impilo
Ende Dali wam '

As soon as the song finished playing, I cried. I cried for the first and I told myself that it is the last time that I ever cry because of a boy but I was not crying because I am hurt but I am crying because the abuse that I had to undergo and how stupid I was.

I decided to go to Menlyn mall because I was avoiding to meet up with anyone that I know.It was late and some of the stores were already closed but the ice skating rink was still open. I really don't know what I was thinking but I found myself inside ready to ice skate. It was really empty but luckily I met this guy who works there. I think his name was Makhosonke because it was written on his name tag.

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