Chapter 5

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Me :" Finally you back. "

Mom :"  Hawu ma no sawubona ubunani nje ( what could have hello done "

Mom : " Hamba uyokhumula( go and refresh yourself) we have to talk. "

went straight to my room took a shower and wore my PJs before I went to my mom's room.

Me : "Mama here am I what did you want to say. "

Mom : "  Well there is no better way to say this kodwa iskhathi sesifikile sokuthi uthabathe umsebenzi waba phansi ( the time has arrived for you to accept your calling) . Mntanami ( my child ) we have tried to plead with the ancestors but they wouldn't hear anything. I'm telling you this because it's about to happen and I want you to know that everything will be ok once you are done you will be much better. "

Me : "Ok so ma kahle kahle you are telling me ukuthi I have to go through initiations and be a sangoma. Yoh angisoze ( never) I am so sorry ma kodwa anever like mina. Oh maybe this is some prank. "

Mom : " Mntanami ( my child) there is no running away from this just accept it and everything will be fine. "

Two weeks later

"Gogo ngikhuphi ( where am I ) what am I doing here ?  "

"Ashambe basilindile ( let's go they are waiting for us.) "

" Ungubani ngiyaphi nawe ? Buka gogo kunenyoka ezayo ( Who are you ? Where am I going with you? Look there is a snake coming). "

" Ongakhathazeki Dumezweni ayikho into ezoyezeka. Umkhulu use fikile ( Don't worry Dumezweni nothing will happen. Grandfather has arrived. "

" Gogo ngiyasaba kungani ungibiza ngo Dumezweni igama ngu Hlelolwenkosi ?( I'm scared. Why are you calling me Dumezweni? My name is Hlelolwenkosi) "

"  Igama lakho uDumezweni  kusukela namhlanje kumele uthabathe umsebenzi ( Your name is Dumezweni from now onwards . You have accept your calling).   ( Drumming ) amahlathi awasekho ( there's no hiding) "

The snake kept on coming towards me. It was a huge snake like the one from the movies. I wanted to  run but my legs were stuck. I kept screaming but no one helped me.  As soon as the snake was close to me I saw a human face in a snake body.

"Hlelo vuka , Hlelo vuka ! ( Wake up) "

" Crying mama angisafuni I keep on dreaming about abogogo nalenyoka enkulu sniffing ( mom I'm tired, I keep on dreaming about grannies and the big snake ever)"

" Batheni Hlelo m ( what did they say?)"

"Kuno gogo uthe igama lami ngu Dumezweni she said my name is not my name but my name is Dumezweni from then I saw a huge snake I was scared I am still scared but what surprised me is that the snake had a human face how is that even possible. "

"Mntanami there is no running away ubizo ngolwakho ( this is your calling) you have to accept it '

"  Kungani mina ( why me?) "

"Mntanami go and take a bath you are not going to school, we have to go somewhere. "

" Ma Siyaphi ? ( where are we going?) "

"There is someone that we have to see  regarding your situation. "

"As long as kuzo hamba the so called gift. ( As long the gift can vanish ) "

"Haibo wengane do you think that is even possible lalela ngane yami( listen my child) you have to accept  isipho sakho ( your gift )yes its my fault but there  is nothing that we can do but to accept it  "

There's a lot that has been going on in the past two weeks. Ever since my mom dropped this huge bomb on me , I am suffering. The whole gift thing is taking a toll on me. I sometimes feel like I am crazy like seeing things that are not there , hearing voices but my mom says it's normal. I haven't talked to uBusi in a while I have to talk to her and apologize for ditching her ngapha uSihle texted me and told me that she is now living with her brother and she is very much happy. Hearing that made me feel better.

"Hello "

My phone rang pulling me back to my reality.

" Wele are you ok ? "

" Busi I am not ok ntwana a lot has been going on I'm sure ungikwatele for ditching you "

' Wele vele ngikukwatele ngoba you don't trust me to know your problems but it's ok I know that it's hard to accept isipho sakho but you have to before you lose your life. '

'  Busi how did you know about it '

' I knew about it ngoba I'm just like you the only difference is that I have accepted and you haven't. Look send me your location I will explain everything when I see you after school.

" Busi ima (wait )  " beep beep

What Busisiwe said took me off guard. It made me more curious about the gift.

"  Hlelo are you done iskhathi asisekho ( time is no longer on our side ) "

Oh no! I am an hour late. It totally slipped my mind that I have somewhere to go. I took a fifteen minutes shower and wore my floral dress that I hated the most but because I didn't want the dragon ( my mom) to unleash her fire on me I had to go with it. My head was a mess and my mother had screaming at my name which is making me more frustrated. I decided on a head wrap that went with my dress and took my grey slippers along with me. Sprayed my perfume and went to the dinning room.

" Ukuze ufike ( finally) I have been waiting for you kanti what were you doing Kona manje we are late ashambe!  ( Right now we are late, let's go) "

" Ngiyaxolisa ( I'm sorry) ma I dozed off while bathing ( lies).  Siyakuphi and can I at least have breakfast first before we leave. '

"Hlelolwenkosi ngizame , try me you will see me. "

Yoh at that very moment I knew that I have shut my mouth. We went to the place using her Mercedes C63 and the atmosphere was awkward I could see that she is really stressed out but is not saying anything. I saw a old house not exactly a old house but a hut that was nicely decorated but in the middle of nowhere

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