Chapter 27

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" Mama , mama !!!" My mom said

I could hear my mom's voice but it was faint. I tried to open my eyes actually I fought to open my eyes. My eyes seemed to be glued together.

" Yini Ntombi..... Hawu Hlelo ngane yami ufike nini singakuzwanga. "

" Sanbona ma no gogo eqinisweni nami angazi ukuthi ngifike nini. "

In that moment my mom immediately engulfed me in a hug and honestly speaking I missed being in her arms followed by my grandmother, she also joined us but a part of me was still astonished at the fact that I arrived home but I can't remember how I actually arrived.

" Sibonga ukufika kwakho Hlelo. Siyabona ukuthi abaphansi bavumile ngoba ngabe awubuyanga ngalokho sithi makhosi. " My grandmother said while bowing down to me.

After all the exchanging of greetings, my grandmother appeased to the ancestors thanking them for my safe arrival and asking for my protection from my enemies.

When I looked at the time, I saw that it was still 4 am in the morning and I really didn't have any sleep. From emsamo I went to the main house and because I didn't want to sleep, I decided on cooking up a feast just to celebrate my arrival.

4 hours later

Finally I am done and wow I am proud of myself. The house is clean and the dinning room looks spectacular not to mention the aroma in the house so I decided to cook all traditional foods for the family. I had porridge as a starter , dumblings with beef stew as our main dish and of course I made fruit salad as a dessert. I know that I went a bit overboard but I can't help it, I am excited to be at home.

Seeing that everything is done and sorted, I took a shower and yeah that's what I really needed, I guess bathing in the river was not doing me any justice. I made sure that I scrup my body skoon since it had been a while since I actually did a spring cleaning on my body. After all the bathing, I decided on wearing my outfit that was made for me by my great grandmother which was a pure white dress with white shells that went along with it's matching doek that was also white. I was really beautiful and I felt like I was covered by the ancestors. I felt their presence in the house.

After being satisfied with my look. I finally went out mind you I was not even wearing my shoes I didn't feel like it and when I got out, my family was outside waiting for me. My mom had tears in her eyes and for a moment I was confused at what was going on. As if that's was not enough they suddenly bowed down like I am a queen.

" Guys you do know that it is very unnecessary for you to actually bow for me. I am still a child in this house hold. " I said

" Ukusalayo mshana unguNdlunkulu futhi ngalokho ngiyaziqenya ngawe. " My uncle said

" Uqinisile umalume wakho Ndlunkulu you are no longer uHlelolwenkosi, you are no longer my baby but you are now uNdlunkulu and we are ought to treat you as such. " My mom said

" I hear you guys but I am not yet uNdlunkulu so until I am crowned as Queen you guys are going to treat as normal as you can and that's not up for discussion. Can we now go and eat?" I said

" Futhi vele ngilambile futhi ngivuswe umnoko wokudla kwakho. " My uncle said

Everyone laughed at my uncle's statement and went to the dining room besides my grandmother. She had tears in her eyes but you tell that her tears were tears of joy even the way she looked at me, her eyes were full of admiration.

" Gogo what is wrong ? " I asked her seeing that she is about to cry.

She didn't say anything and when I actually hugged her, she cried. If I am not mistaken, it was my first time seeing my grandmother break down and that broke my heart.

" Gogo yini I am getting worried now should I call uma?" I asked

" Ncaa ngane yam ukuthi seeing you just reminded me of my mother actually when I look at you, I see your great grandmother which triggered a lot of emotions since she was my everything otherwise I am very happy that we have found the one who will rule and I am glad that it's you. Ngiyakuthanda mntanomntanami kakhulu futhi. " She said

" Gogo nami ngiyakuthanda futhi uqinisile mawuthi ngikukhumbuza ugogo yingoba ukhona futhi ngiqoke igubo angezele yona bengicela ukuthi sikhulume emva kwesidlo sasekseni. "

" Ayikho inkinga vele nginesiqiniseko sokuthi basilindile. " She said

" Yebo gogo. "

When we got to the dining room everyone was there except for my aunt and her family and honestly speaking I really didn't care. Everyone that was here right now is very important to me even though they said that my aunt is still on her way but I really don't care.

" Hai mntanam why didn't you tell me ukuthi ukwazi ukwenza izinto ezi kanje phela ngabe ngade ngayeka mina ukupheka. " My mom said

" Ma nifuna ukungiphekisa umlibe ?"

" Ncaa ukuthi sesiyasho nje ukuthi sekuzopheka wena. " Gogo said

" Ngiyaxolisa kodwa angeke ngikwazi. Ngiyanithanda kodwa angifuni ukunimosha. " I said

" ( Laughing) sisi  uyayizwa ingane yakho ?" Malume said

" Ncaa ukuthi ngiyasho ukuthi angifuni ukuthi nikhuluphale kakhulu ngoba nizogula. " I said

" Ubani uzogula ?" My aunt said

As always she just had to interfere. I was not even looking at her direction but I could feel my hair on my left side shivers and I instantly knew that something was  wrong. My hair never tells me lies.

" Hawu ma why didn't you guys tell me ukuthi we have a guest ?" My aunt said

I guess my grandmother was really serious about me being unrecognizable but there was something that was wrong.

" Ngicela uphume nesilwane sakho. " I said

It was not my intention to say it out loud  , in fact I was not the one who said that. Ababansi had started and luckily I was not in trance.

"Excuse me ? " She said

" Yazi angibathandi abantu abenza ngathi abazi into engikhuluma ngayo. Ngithi phuma nesilwane sakho la ekhaya. "  I said

" Hayi mina angazi ukhuluma ngani kahle kahle are you trying to insinuate that my husband and children are what bayizilwane ? Ma wathula ngithukwa umuntu eningamazi. " She said

" Hai kanti ke siyamazi futhi nawe uyamazi. "

I was trying by all means not to show my face because I knew that it was not going to end very well but she was provoking me.

" Sawbona auntie" I said to her while looking at her

When our eyes locked, I saw her and someone who is very familiar to me killing a lot of girls and taking their blood to give her so called husband to drink and her facial expression confirmed everything. It's like she knew what I am seeing and it didn't take them  a while before running away. 

Immediately after they ran away, I went to emsamo to pray because my eyes have seen something that was not supposed to seen and also because I have endangered my life. 

" Ungalinge uphume la " a voice said

" Uyoze uphume ksasa ekseni uma usuya emfuleni nabakhaphi bakho. " The voice said again.

I had forgotten that I have umhlonyane coming, I think it's because I came back a day earlier then the expected day and yeah I can't wait. I just hope that everything goes well because I know for sure that my aunt will want to destroy me. Maybe that's why she hates me so much but one thing that I am going to make sure off, is to make sure that I am the only one remaining in the war.

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