Chapter 28

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Nkosiyabo's pov

My life has changed rapidly from being a normal boy to being a prince soon to be king. I had to relocate from Johannesburg to KZN, change my school and stuff like I now have people serving me wherelse I am to do everything for myself.

I thought that being home would bring peace in my life but instead it has brought up problems that we didn't know that they were there. Right now my sister and I are going to marry our parents since they didn't finish all the ceremonies and we were supposed to be at Hlelo' s ceremony.

I feel really bad because I have lost all my contacts and not only me, but my sister and I lost all our contacts. My uncle thought that it was the best thing to do since there are always wolves and prey's who hunts people for their status. I don't even know how am I going to get Hlelo's numbers because not only do I miss her but Sihle also does miss her.

" Are you ready son ?" Bhekumuzi said

" Yebo babaumkhulu nje ngifisa ukubona losuku seluphelile. " I said

" Ngiyakuzwa ndodana kodwa yini ngathi uwujabulalanga. "He said

" Ncaa baba ukuthi namhlanje usuku olukhulu luka mgani wam namhlanje. I don't even have her numbers just to say I am sorry that I am unable to attend. Phela baba that girl has there for uSiphosihle if it wasn't for her ngabe ingane yasekhaya isadungekile. "

" Uthi it's a girl that got you in a somber mood. " He said  while laughing

" Baba honestly speaking, uHlelolwenkosi is not just any girl, she is a rare breed. She is the one who took over my mom's position nawe uyazi ukuthi how close my mom was with us especially uSiphosihle and when she died , a part of us left with them. My baby sister suffered a lot and uma ngineqiniso I also contributed to her suffering angazi ngabe ukuphi uSihle if it wasn't for uHlelo. So yes I am in a somber mood ngoba I am about to do something that I know she wouldn't do , which is disappointing her. " I said

" Kahle kahle usemathandweni ?" He said

" Mageba uthini manje hai ayikho leyonto ukuthi I appreciate how she is there for uSiphosihle well was before we deserted her. " I said

" Welele ngathi ukhona abamushaye ngepanti ebusweni kodwa ithi sidlulise lomcimbi ngaphambi kokuthi siyo funa umakoti. " He said

" Baba akuyena umakoti nawe uyazi ukuthi owam umakoti useza angithi uthe abaphansi bangikhethele umakoti futhi uma esefikile ngizokwazi ?"

" ( Chuckling) Hai ndodana ngiyakuzwa ithi ngihambe ngiyo bona ukuthi izinto zihamba kanjani wena sala ugqoke. "

Speaking to ubabumdala made me realize how much I missed uHlelo and I am not the only one who misses her but my baby sister also misses her. I could see the longing in her eyes, when she looks at her phone hoping that she would call. Speaking of which,my sister has been having nightmares about Hlelolwenkosi for the past few months but ubabumdala said that before we could attend to Sihle's issue, we first need to merge the two families which is the Zulu family from my father's side and Mabaso from my mom's family.

The ceremony is supposed to start at 11 and it's now only 10 and I haven't bathed nje ngilate but because I am a boy , thirty minutes would be enough for me. I took a very fast shower and wore my traditional attire which was ibeshu le ngwe along with umqhele and imbadada. I felt like a true Zulu prince.

Seeing that I still have a few minutes left,I decided to go and check on my sister because I am really worried about her. As I was about to knock on her door, I heard her talking to someone.

"  God why do you have to take everything that I have. Firstly you took my parents and you knew how close I was with them as if that was not enough, I was abused by my aunt and her family. Lord you made my brother turn against me ( weeping). "

Hearing my sister cry like that broke my heart. I am really a bad brother. I was focused on my own grief forgetting that I have sister and now she is broken.

" Ngiyaxolisa nana. I am sorry that I was not there when you needed me , I am sorry that I was always ignorant and didn't see the signs that showed that you are being abused. Ngiyaxolisa mntaka ma.  "

" Bhuti I miss her ( weeping) , I miss them ( crying louder) "

" Nami ngiyamkhumbula nana. It's a pity that we can't trust anyone. "

" Bhuti uSis Hlelo would never do anything to harm us in fact we are the ones that are endangering her life. "

" What do you mean by that?" I asked

" Bhuti now is not the right time to talk about her. Can you please just promise me that you will find her before they do , can you do that for me ? "

" Sihle who are 'they ' ?"

" Bhuti promise me. "

" I promise I will find her. "

Hlelolwenkosi POV

" Vukani zintombi " unomehlo said

My day has finally arrived. The yard is full of people and I am in my old room with impelesi zami. Impelesi zami arrived yesterday around 4pm. I was not expecting them because I thought that they would arrive today. All that I remember, was me sleeping emsamo well not exactly sleeping but taking a nap because I felt otherwise and also because my day was ruined by my aunt and her stuff. 

My mom woke me up and I was told to change into a white cloth that they provided for me. The cloth barely covered my bums. The maidens seemed very happy to see me and I was also happy to see them. After I was done changing into the white cloth, my grandmother and I went inside emsamo while my uncle was fetching the goat from the kraal.

My uncle  came with the goat and my grandmother appeased to the ancestors and when they were done we went to my old room where all the other maidens were waiting for me. Immediately when I got inside, I was smeared with imbovu with izimpelesi zami. In isiZulu bathi besingena emgonqweni. We spent all the night singing and dancing. We hardly slept.

Unomehlo kept on waking up. She was making noise with her spoon and her beaker Yoh that thing knows how to make noise.

" Yoh mama ekseni kanje" one of the girls said

" Angifuni nokwazi ngithi vukani niye emfuleni niyogeza. Abantu angeke balinde nina hawu. " Unomehlo said

It was still early in the morning when we made our way to the river. We were wrapped in our blankets and were singing on the way to the river. When we got there I was reminded of the time when the maidens had brought me here but I quickly brushed it aside. We sang and sang before we could enter in the water. The songs were like a prayer and the virgins hummed softly.

We took hours to get ibomvu off our skins but eventually we did. According to the traditional we are not allowed to go back home and wear our attires there , we have to wear outside then go in for the ceremony and the only place that made sense to us was at the river.

I was so excited and was hoping that my baby arrives along with her brother who have gone AWOL on me. Another thing that was on my mind was meeting with my mystery husband since abogogo nabo mkhulu didn't give me their respond on my request.

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