Chapter 34

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It's been over 15 minutes since I have been waiting for Sphamandla and I am even thinking of leaving right now because wow. I am sure that my mom and Amahle are as pissed as I am. They decided to hide themselves so that Sphamandla does not see them.

Can you guess the time that Sphamandla decided to come at ? well he arrived an hour late and he didn't care. Mind you I am supposed to be meeting up with my friends but here am I alone meeting this guy. He was supposingly so happy to see me but obviously it was all an act.

" Babe aren't you happy to see me? " Sphamandla said

" And why exactly would I be happy to see you my dearest boyfriend?" I said making sure that he sense's the sarcasm in my question.

" Ucabanga ukuthi ukhuluma nobani kanjalo ? "

" Kanti who is in front of me khona manje ? Lalela la I'm not here for your games. I just wanted to let you know ukuthi I am done with this so called relationship. " I said

"Hehe where the hell do you get the nerve of breaking up with me. " He said while banging on the table.

Everyone's eye's were now on us but my mom and friend were not there.

" I'm tired Sphamandla, I am tired of constantly being scared of you and honestly speaking I don't even know who you are anymore. I thought you were the most loving person ever but then I guess you couldn't pretend any further. Ngiyakucela Spha please leave me alone block me as I have already. " I said while trying to mask my fear.

" Stop saying that we are over!!. I am the only one who will tell you when it's over between us. Do you hear me ?"

" Sphamandla angisakufuni uthando angisenalo. " I said

I didn't know that telling Sphamandla that I don't love him anymore would make him more angrier than he is . It seems as if my words stung his heart because he took out his gun.

" You dare make a sound I will finish you right here. " he said while showing me his gun and with anger written in all of his face

At that moment I didn't know what to do. The guy was practically dragging me out of the McDonald's and no one seemed to care. I tried calling my mom and when she picked up I cried asking for help. Sphamandla got very angry by my actions which made him to hurry up. He dragged me to the parking lot and when we got there he slapped me and kicked me in the stomach.

" Ucabanga ukuthi ushiya bani wena sfebe. You seem to forget that I am the only one who tolerates you. You are unlovable, unattractive, and disgusting. " Those are the words he kept on saying while beating me everywhere in my body.

The only thing I remember is my head being slammed against the floor with people recording videos instead of helping me before I blacked out.

3 days later

Nkosiyabo's POV

I have been feeling like my heart is being ripped off for the past three days and my skin has been also burning. My uncle left for his initiation school and I don't know when will he return.

" Ahh " I screamed. There's this burning pain that I am feeling in my stomach. It's like someone is slicing my skin open and it's the second time that it's happening.

" Babe what's going on?" Queen said

" Nothing love just go back to sleep. " I said

Queen is my girlfriend of 2 years that I really love but sometimes she's irritating. She is always asking for expensive things along with her mom and right now, she is not the best girlfriend ever.

" Bhuti" Siphosihle said while rushing to me.

When did she get here but instead of being angry, I was relieved.

" What the hell do you want in our house? Babe please tell that bitch of yours to leave. " Queen said

I really don't know why can't Queen and my sister get along. They are always fighting and that really bothers me because I can't choose between my sister and girlfriend. Things were much better when Hlelo was still here but then I guess my sister and I were just a pawn in her sick game.

" Bhuti ngicela ungilalele for once in your life. Ashambe " Siphosihle said with tears in her eyes.

A part of me wants to listen infact I want to go with her but I can't.

" Ncaa akayi ndawo uNkosi phuma la " Queen said

I don't know what to do. A part of me wants to leave with Sihle but another part of me wants to listen to Queen.

Before I could even say anything, Sihle poured something in my eyes and that's how I slept.

Siphosihle's POV

This thing has been going on for a while now and it has to stop. I really don't know why the ancestors don't want me to tell my brother who her chosen wife is. They said that my brother and his chosen wife are still not ready and there is a task that they both need to complete before anything well actually it's my brother who has to complete his task since his other half has completed it.

I knew a long time ago that Hlelolwenkosi is my brother's chosen one. Yes at first I didn't understand this whole gift thing but ubabumdala helped me through it. I know that my brother thinks that he is in love with Queen but Queen and her mother gave him a love potion. Khona I must admit their witch is very powerful. My uncle and I have been trying to cure my brother but it wasn't helping hence my uncle went to the caves though my brother thinks that he went to someone to help him with initiation.

I am very scared for what my brother has become. He is a living zombie, he does everything that Queen wants without thinking and I think I have seen him twice eating raw meat but I decided to keep quiet instead I left them in their apartment and luckily my brother has not married that witch that's why they live in a apartment and not in the palace.

I had a dream about Hlelolwenkosi and it seemed like her life was in danger which explains the pains that my brother has been having. I tried calling my brother but obviously Queen had his phone. When I checked on the socials I saw that Hlelolwenkosi was indeed kidnapped by her allegedly boyfriend.

Seeing the news on Twitter, I asked the guards to accompany me to go and fetch Nkosiyabo. When I got to his apartment I suddenly had a headache. Obviously I would have a headache since I was entering in the devil's den but because I had my stuff on me , I managed to protect myself. Everything was a mess the dishes were everywhere and the place smelled like blood. I guess Queen had been feeding the animal.

" Bhuti" I called out

Obviously Queen had to interject but I was not taking it.

" Bhuti ngicela ungilalele for once in your life. Ashambe. " I said pleading with him.

A part of me was hoping that my brother would see me and come back but the hold that they have on my brother was strong. Seeing that my brother was struggling to decide I took out one of the mixtures that my mom gave and poured it in his face. He immediately fell asleep and that shocked Queen.

" Baba please take him to the car and go back home I will return later. " I said to one of the guards

" Wenzani mthakathi ? I am going to kill you !!" Queen said while charging towards me.

I laughed at her because I knew that she can't do me anything otherwise I would have long died. She tried slapping me but I was too fast for her because I stopped her before she could even attempt.

" Wenzani Queen ? Are you tired of living?" I asked with my eyes burning straight in her eyes.

" Please don't look at me like that ( Ahhh) you are burning me ." She said

I wanted to kill her but I was not yet ready for that as I felt myself getting weak. Instead of killing her , I made her unconscious then left but before I could even get to the car, I fainted.

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