Chapter 15

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Ntombinkulu pov

I can't believe my daughter saw me with a man who happens to be her teacher. It's not like something is going on between us at least not at the moment but it was not intimate or was it. Urg I am also stupid, I was not supposed to hug him. How will I face my daughter? I mean what am I going to say to her and her siblings but I am not worried about her siblings vele they do not care about me. They all left me from the moment they found out that I am not their mother. The only person that cares about me is my baby. It might seem like I have favourites but my first and last born disowned me the moment they found out, they didn't care or consider the fact that I have never treated or made them feel like they are not my children. It's unfortunate that my baby does not know that her siblings are not her siblings but it is what it is.

"Ma asikho isidingo sokuthi uvulele iradio phezulu"

Nkosiyami konje why did I give birth to a intelligent child?

"Yini ? It's my car and if I want to turn my radio high I will and besides that I am in the mood for music. "

" Or there is something that you are avoiding?"

" What am I avoiding? ( laughing) uyagula wena. "

If this is how my parents felt when I caught them then bezikhala. I couldn't lie to her as much as I wouldn't want her to lie to me so I told her everything but not exactly everything phela she is still my child and I wouldn't want her to see me in another way.

After speaking to her well after dismissing her since she had a lot to say, I realized that I might have to choose between my daughter and uSifiso and eish it's hard. Of course I know who I am going to choose but letting the other go is a challenge.

While I was driving back, my heart suddenly started beating fast and my hair started pulling on the right side of my head. I knew that something is wrong hence I bought takeaways, I didn't want any mistakes but I didn't know that I would meet my ex fiance.

Before I could say anything, my baby fainted. Luckily we were still in the car and the gate was not yet closed. I immediately rushed to the hospital while silently praying for my child. As soon as I got to the hospital I ran to the reception to ask for a wheelchair and some help for my baby.

She was taken into casualty and I was given some forms to fill in. I was really scared but mostly angry. Angazi why did he come back, after everything we went through because of him. I almost lost my life as well as my child.

" Ntombi ?" Bongani called out.

" Ufunani lana? Hamba Satane  asikudingi. "

" Ngiyaxolisa MamMthethwa. I really don't know what had gotten into me. I was greedy and selfish and I didn't have my priorities straight. "

" Voestek wena. You have the nerve yazi futhi esinefutha eceleni ,( Chuckling) as for ukuthi you didn't have your priorities straight so what now you remembered that you have children ungazonginyela ngicela uhambe before I open a case of harassment against you. "

" Please Ntombi, I just want to apologize to umntanami. How is she, have you seen the doctor yet?"

" You still here ? Ngithe hamba "

" Ngiyaxolisa MamMthethwa."

Why now ? ( Crying). Jehovah why did you have to bring him back ? Ngizamile ukuqubeka ngempilo yami. He left me in pieces and I was left to pick up the pieces.

" Family of Hlelolwenkosi?" The doctor called

" Yes doc ,  how is she?"

" She is still sedated, but as soon as she wakes up, she will be free to go. "

Hlelolwenkosi pov

"Hlelolwenkosi there is a reason for everything that happened and that is about to happen. Uma wakho gave you your name for a reason. Everything is God's plan. Remember to always pray and trust in God. Sizohlala sinawe no matter what. "

"Gogo kungani mina , what is going on?"

" Ngane yami abadala babone ukuhle kuwe , inhliziyo yakho imsulwa futhi bayazi ukuthi you will never disappoint them.   Baxole bonke Ukuze bekwazi ukhuluma nawe. "

" Gogo angikwazi ukungaxola ubuhlungu engidlule Kubo bunzima angikwazi ukudlulisa. "

" Mntanami ayikho into ongayenza I know kunzima kodwa you have too . Kwamele ngihambe nawe isikhathi sakho la siphelile. Do not trust everyone that comes with kindness. "

"Gogo buya ngisanemi...."

At the hospital

My eyes are struggling to open. It's like something is holding my eyelashes together.

" Hlelo mntanami, you are awake "

No matter what I know that voice. That voice belongs to my mother but I can't seem to form words in mouth. ( Beep , beep beep)

" ngikhuphi  ?"

The last thing that I remember  is seeing my sperm donor. Don't blame me angali he is supposingly my father kodwa according to my heart there is no space for a father figure.

" You are in hospital but let me fetch the doctor so that we can go. "

How did I even get here ? I thought I was over him. I thought I was done with the panic attacks phela the last time I had panic attacks that led to me fainting was when I saw him in KZN.

" Hlelolwenkosi , how are you feeling?"  The doctor asked

" Doc I am a bit tired but that's all " I lied.

" Okay as I told your mom before, you had a panic attack that led to your fainting but I am actually worried, as young as you are, your panic attacks might lead to heart attacks. I would suggest that you get a therapist or go for counselling. "

" I understand doc can I go home ?"

" Oh yes, you definitely can but I need you to promise me that you are going to take things slowly and stay away from stress and also you are off for tomorrow. "

" But doc I can't be absent from school. I need to be at school. "

" You have too. Hope to never see you again. "

"( Laughing )Me too doc but first where is my mother?"

" Your mother is busy at the reception filling out your discharge forms but you can go to her. "

" Thanks doc. "

At least I am not staying over but I can't help it but be stressed. Iphupho lika gogo is stressing me out even though it feels more like a vision than a dream.

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