Chapter 9

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Hlelolwenkosi pov

" Hlelo vuka "


" Kuyasha Hlelo vuka"

" Kuphi"

" ( Laughing)"

And that's how my so called friend woke me up. I didn't realize that I was fast asleep. In my mind, I am resting my eyes for two seconds and then waking up to direct Busi to my house. Only to find myself outside my house. To say I'm shocked would be a understatement like how kodwa ke I need to sleep I'm going to school tomorrow speaking of school ..

" Busi are you going to school tomorrow ? "

" Yeah as much as I would like to stay at home but I have to be at school , we are writing Life science. "

" Yoh what will I do because I've been absent for two weeks and I am honestly lost "

" Kanti who am I, don't you worry I am there for you , do you still have the notes that I sent to you?"

" Yha I do but okwamanje I am tired , let us sleep a little then we will wake up ngabo three am so that we can revise uyabo "

" Yha vele today has been a long, painful day. I just want to sleep and forget about today. "

When we got inside the house, we found my mom crying. When we got to her she wiped her tears and acted like it was nothing.  typical mom. When I asked her what's wrong she simply said ' something got inside my eyes ' note not eye but eyes but because she's my mom I know how to make her speak. I wouldn't talk to her in front of my friend because of respect.

Deciding to let it go I to my bedroom with Busi. I am a person who likes her privacy but I think it is because I don't have many friends Busi is my only friend but I am willing to make an exception for uBusi I think she needs someone to hold onto.

" Welcome to my small world " I said

" Wow dawg you room is spacious yoh you have a nice room "

" Ngiyabonga kakhulu my mom and I designed it, it was part of us bonding. ( Smiling , remembering the memories of the day)"

" Mhm "

" Oh askies Mtase I am sorry for being insensitive. I got caught in my things and forgot about you. "

" No don't feel bad for reliving your memories with your mom. It's not your fault that I don't have those memories with my mom so don't feel bad let me go and take a shower. "

" Yha there are fresh towels in the bathroom when you come back there will be a pair of pajamas hopefully they will fit you mina I am going to use my mom's bathroom will be back. "

When I got back in my room after that refreshing shower I found Busi crying holding on to my teddy bear like life depends on it. She didn't see me coming but I went to her to comfort her. She was already in bed so I joined her and took away the bear that she had and engulfed her in a hug.

" ( Sobbing) Hlelo ku.bu..hlungu it hurts seeing my mom like that. I can't even do anything about it.( Sobbing louder) I am scared mzala, I am scared that you are next. I can't tell you what I mean but I promise I am going to protect you with all my heart. "

" Shhhh don't cry kuzolunga everything will be okay just pray and have hope. Angibazi ubuhlungu bakho but I see the pain that you are in. Ngiyaxolisa mzala. "

" Ngikhathele Hlelo, I am tired of fighting. ( Yawning)It hurts me to know that you have to go through the journey like me but there is nothing that we can do.  Ngiyakuthanda Hl...."

" Nami ngiyakuthanda Busi. "

I am tired, I don't even want to remember today. I am even scared what busi said made me afraid but will see everything tomorrow.

And off to lala land

The next day

" Zingane vukani , you guys are going to be late. "


" Nizongithola kahle "

All of a sudden I feel cold water being poured all over me.

" Mama !!!"

" Maka Hlelo!"

" Hambani niyo geza you are late. "

" Kodwa ma ngamanzi pho like did you really have to make my bed wet. uBusi yena ufelani ?"

" I've been calling you guys kodwa anilaleli ,Busi mntanami askies ne hamba uyo geza mntanami and you will find your breakfast in the dinning room wena Hlelo voeseka uyo geza "

" Njoo mama kuright. "

"Laughing  hurry up you guys will find me downstairs "

Yazi my mom ne but she helped us ngoba we were going to be late. I am so pissed right now because I don't have a bed to sleep on  tonight since my bed is wet mind you uBusi is laughing her ass off , she is really not bothered at all. You would swear that she is a person with no problems.

" Mxm I am going to use my mom's bathroom, you can take one of my school skirts and shirts for today. "

She didn't even respond me I doubt she even heard me but that's the last thing on my mind. I need to get done fast and try to memorize Life science.

I want to take a bath but I am late so I have to go for a shower. I took a 20 minutes shower and when I was done I took my mom's robe trust me I had no choice because I left everything in my room.

When I got inside my room everything was clean ,  I found Busi wearing my uniform but it is not the one that I am planning to wear today. How did she manage to get everything done within 30 minutes ?

" Wee Busi did you use a spell to get everything done?"

" Gqoka silate "

Yeah she is right. Wearing my uniform takes less than 10 minutes. Luckily my skirt was already ironed so all that I had to do was to wear my uniform.  I decided to tie my hair in a neat bun. I am really tired of using a comb I need to braid my hair ( mental note).

When I got to the dinning room I found my mom with Busi and they  were  eating. I didn't pay attention to them but I told Busi that we have to go and kissed my mom before I left.

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