Chapter 20

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" Queen ukhuluma ngani?"

" Babe the chosen one in our family. We have to act fast uma already knows. "

" Whoa babe kanti you guys were serious ngalento yenu. "

" Yebo phela it's the only way we can help my father. "

" Kanti Queen didn't you say ubabwakho tried to get rid of her manje what makes you think ukuthi you will be able to get rid of her. "

" Babe angithi ukhona and you know you are the only who can defeat her since you guys have the same gift. "

" Hayi ngeke sthandwa I am never going to use my powers to do evil. Amadlozi angangi shaya. Ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sam kodwa ngeke. "

" Babe you can't do that, you can't turn your back on us manje ngizothini ku ma ?"

" Ngingenaphi mina  lapho ngoba angingeni ndawo. Angikholwa ukuthi unje futhi yazini Queen , ngicela ungishayise ngomoya ngizokufonela. "

" Majaha uthini manje? ( Laughing) ucabanga ukuthi ungaphila ngaphandle kwam. "

" Queen whatever that we had mina nawe is over. Mina I can't wife a person that would go to extreme measure's like killing someone just to prove themselves that they are worth it. What if your mom tells you to kill my mom just because she is more beautiful than her ?"

" Babe I wouldn't do that , ukuthi  nje uHlelo uyanginyanyisa   uzenza ncono ngathi. We have to teach her a lesson futhi I need to help my father, he needs her blood in order for him to live. "

" Manje why isn't your father doing the work ?"

" My father needs your help. "

" Hai angeke wena no babwakho Kanye no mamwakho niya hlanya ngicela nihlukane nam. "

" Sthandwa sam ..."

" Phuma queen. "

Why is he doing this to me ? The plan was so easy , we were just going to drug her and take her to UMajaha , then UMajaha and my father will do the ritual. When the ritual is done if course I am going to marry into the royal family and have the powers that Hlelo has and my mom will be able to live the life she has always wanted. She and my father are going to get married but now everything seems impossible , UMajaha is refusing to help but one thing that I know for sure is that he is going to get me those powers come rain or sunshine. I just need a plan.

Nkosiyabo' s pov

" Ndodana vuka kuyabeda . Kwamele ngibuyele ekhaya ngokukhulu okushesha. Isikhathi sokuthi uthathe isihlalo sakho sifikile. "

" Baba kwezakalani ?"

" Nkosiyabo ngicela ulalele usis wakho uzokutshela yonkinto. Angisenaso isikhathi kwamele ngibuyele emuva. Vuka njengamanje uye kuye uSiphosihle. "

" Kodwa baba ngilahlekile kwezakalani ?"

" Vuka njengamanje!!"

Lightning and thunderstorms!

" Bhuti vuka, vuka bhuti. " Sihle said

I could hear her speak but it was difficult for me to respond but then I remembered my dream and my father's words and panic started to kick in.

" Sihle!" I shouted her name because I thought when I heard her voice I was still dreaming.

" Bhuti I am scared ( crying)"

" Yini nana tell me what is bothering you ?"

" Can I sleep with you? I am scared to go back in that room,( sniffing) I am scared to see those monsters again "

" Woza , come to your big brother , they won't do anything to you okay but firstly tell your brother what is going on. "

" Bhuti take out a pen and a paper. Umama  said I must tell you that you need write down everything that I am going say in my dreams because I won't remember anything in the morning but I think you should record me that way we the both of us will be able to sleep. "

" Okay kodwa Sihle kwezakalani I am lost. "

" Ubaba uthe ngikutshele ukuthi uyaxolisa. "

" Uxolisa ngani ?"

" ........"

" Sihle ? Vuka we are not done. "

Sihle just went to sleep just like that without saying anything else but what confuses me is that we were both having different dream but similar dreams at the same time and still I can't get the answers that I need but the way Sihle cried,it was a confirmation that I need to go to Kzn and maybe Hlelo could help me since she is also in KZN.

I wanted to call uHlelo because I was struggling to sleep but I was also scared of what she is going to say but I ended up deciding to call my parents lawyer since she seems like she knows everything.

( Ringing)

" My King" she said

" Evening mam oh it's morning since it's 2 am in the morning, I am sorry to bother you but can you please come over today. "

" Well my King firstly please call me Shria , you are making me feel old when you call mam and secondly what is going on?"

" Well mam eish sorry Shria I just wanted to know about my parents background and go to that place because something is bothering me and my sister. "

" Well fortunately, your parents told me about everything that might happen and it seems like it is happening so I will organize a meeting with your aunt so that you guys can meet before going to Kzn. "

" Okay cool but can it be before this Friday because me and my sister are leaving for KZN, we are going to see our friend who is currently going through a lot and can you please make the meeting today because I am free. "

" Uhm I am not sure but how come are you free are you not supposed to be going to school?"

" Nope there is a bash at school and I am not going because my friend is not there and besides I want to bond with my sister, she is not okay especially after seeing our parents. "

" Ok let me see what I can do and then I will inform you before 8 am in the morning. "

" Thanks a lot "

" No problem but please let me sleep before my husband thinks I'm cheating on him. "

" ( Laughing) hai Ms Shria you could never do that to him. Good morning and good night. ( Laughing)"

" Ungahleki Nkosi I am serious he is standing next to me right now say hi to him so that he can see that you are my child. "

" Shria ukwazi ukhuluma isizulu ? Yoh I am really surprised. Uhm good morning Mr Rampersaad you are talking to Nkosi Ms Rampersaad client sorry to bother you but it was an emergency. "

" Sawubona ndodana. ( Laughing) angiyena u Rampersaad, nginguZulu kodwa sizokhuluma kahle ksasa good night. " Her husband said

" Night my nephew " Shria said

" Night?"

Okay I am officially confused did my lawyer just call me her nephew and did her husband just said he is uZulu does it mean he is somehow related to us ?

Yoh Nkosiyami kwaze kwaba yindida Le .

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